Featured below is a selection of the funniest entries to liberal college girl meme. Enjoy and try not to murder each other in comments.
27 thoughts on “Liberal College Girl Logic”
Does this girl know she’s a meme.
Tons of projecting here.
oh so true , … looks like trump, flatearth christians and wondrous flying liberals now own sadanduseless …
it makes me sad that real people believe these things.
As if it was needed to be “trumpist” (whatever that means), believe in flat earth or being the CEO of Goldman & Sachs to laugh at this… really ?
“Doesn’t like the way a group of people thinks………Stereotypes and mocks them on the internet!”
So is there a term for the mocking sub-genre of meme ?
I can say that some of these are hilarious, but I’m not a liberal arts girl. A lot of these would actually apply to other groups just as well. “[That food] is so unhealthy for you…… eats [other unhealthy food]. ” ” that thing is wrong with Capitalism!….. owns stuff”
Why, sadanduseless? Did the world really need more of this?
Sadly, I’ve met people like this…
More proof that conservative humor is basically just sad and pathetic.
Hilarious. Thanks for delivering the laughs today.
Oh, she votes!
The one “Watches Michael Moore Documentary….Knows everything.” is the official precursor for all the other problems/beliefs that come from liberals. You really don’t know what you’re talking about unless you did your own research and got your information from a reputable un-biased source.
Not that I’m a fan of Moore, but “did your own research” sounds like another great way to get some misinformation if you are not careful about it. Wikipedia with references, or CNN/Fox opinions…?
This suggests your mind is as open as a ducks arse. Which of course is closed…watertight.
Well, time to murder someone in the comments…
There certainly is a lot of blind spots to progressive liberalism. You could also do the same for alt-rightism. Glad you’re pressing buttons though. Now do the conservatives also ;)
So glad I’m not alone here.
None of these were funny or original. I also feel bad for the girl who is in the meme.
**Triggering intensifies**
Oh yes, the conservatives who believe that global warming isn’t real, thanks to corrupt oil companies paying scientists to give false information, can speak about unbiased sources.
*pulls up this page on phone*
WHAT!!! WHO THOUGHT TO TO PUT THIS ON THE INTERNET?!!!! They are my hero and is an actual genius.
this is one of the few political pages on sad and useless that isn’t actually sad and useless
To the Anonymous above: I completely agree, I was surprised they made such a masterpiece
Her dreads though
yeah do “evangelical” “christians” next
More straw man arguments in those memes than there are terra-cotta soldiers in the Chinese emperor’s grave!
This meme has been making it’s rounds since the 1990s. Love it.
There is an age difference, but she has as strong resemblance to my step-daughter. Mine was about 5 when this picture made it’s first rounds on AOL in the 90s.
Does this girl know she’s a meme.
Tons of projecting here.
oh so true , … looks like trump, flatearth christians and wondrous flying liberals now own sadanduseless …
it makes me sad that real people believe these things.
As if it was needed to be “trumpist” (whatever that means), believe in flat earth or being the CEO of Goldman & Sachs to laugh at this… really ?
“Doesn’t like the way a group of people thinks………Stereotypes and mocks them on the internet!”
So is there a term for the mocking sub-genre of meme ?
I can say that some of these are hilarious, but I’m not a liberal arts girl. A lot of these would actually apply to other groups just as well. “[That food] is so unhealthy for you…… eats [other unhealthy food]. ” ” that thing is wrong with Capitalism!….. owns stuff”
Why, sadanduseless? Did the world really need more of this?
Sadly, I’ve met people like this…
More proof that conservative humor is basically just sad and pathetic.
Hilarious. Thanks for delivering the laughs today.
Oh, she votes!
The one “Watches Michael Moore Documentary….Knows everything.” is the official precursor for all the other problems/beliefs that come from liberals. You really don’t know what you’re talking about unless you did your own research and got your information from a reputable un-biased source.
Not that I’m a fan of Moore, but “did your own research” sounds like another great way to get some misinformation if you are not careful about it. Wikipedia with references, or CNN/Fox opinions…?
This suggests your mind is as open as a ducks arse. Which of course is closed…watertight.
Well, time to murder someone in the comments…
There certainly is a lot of blind spots to progressive liberalism. You could also do the same for alt-rightism. Glad you’re pressing buttons though. Now do the conservatives also ;)
So glad I’m not alone here.
None of these were funny or original. I also feel bad for the girl who is in the meme.
**Triggering intensifies**
Oh yes, the conservatives who believe that global warming isn’t real, thanks to corrupt oil companies paying scientists to give false information, can speak about unbiased sources.
*pulls up this page on phone*
WHAT!!! WHO THOUGHT TO TO PUT THIS ON THE INTERNET?!!!! They are my hero and is an actual genius.
this is one of the few political pages on sad and useless that isn’t actually sad and useless
To the Anonymous above: I completely agree, I was surprised they made such a masterpiece
Her dreads though
yeah do “evangelical” “christians” next
More straw man arguments in those memes than there are terra-cotta soldiers in the Chinese emperor’s grave!
This meme has been making it’s rounds since the 1990s. Love it.
There is an age difference, but she has as strong resemblance to my step-daughter. Mine was about 5 when this picture made it’s first rounds on AOL in the 90s.