This Brush You Hold With Your Mouth Lets You Lick Your Cat

Sometimes the idea of making something so weird outweighs the actual usefulness of the item. Take for instance this cat brush that you hold in your mouth and use it by fake licking your cat with each stroke of the giant tongue brush sticking out of your mouth. Not only does this most likely not work at all in regards to actually brushing your cat, but also just makes you look like a complete idiot while using it, so it’s essentially a lose-lose situation.

Funny way to brush your cat.

The LICKI Brush as so it’s called is made up of a number of silicone bristles that attach to a mouth guard like part of the device where you can bite down to hold onto the brush. To use it simply approach your cat with a giant rubber tongue in your mouth and ease into a slow licking movement on their back or head while they’re sleeping or in an otherwise pleasant mood. Since for cats it’s mutually beneficial to be licked, don’t be surprised if they start licking you back.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

Funny way to brush your cat.

This weird product started as a Kickstarter campaign few years back, then reached it’s goal, and now is available on Amazon, however, if you’re planning to get one for yourself, you should think really hard before clicking that BUY button, because this thing is pretty much 99% useless.

10 thoughts on “This Brush You Hold With Your Mouth Lets You Lick Your Cat”

  1. People who use the Licki are just being lazy. Anyone wanting to give their cat a real bath will have to get in there and use their own tongue. And hey, don’t forget precious kitty’s anus.

  2. A hot damp washcloth works better and my cats loved it. I got their ears, tail, toes, and belly, too. It felt like mommy’s tongue and left them fluffier. Keep rinsing it in hot water because it cools quickly and they don’t like that at all.

  3. Toxoplasmosis, giardiasis, salmonellosis, ringworm, roundworm, hookworm, rabies, cryptosporidiosis, fleas, scabies …

  4. No one loves cats more than I do and this thing is disgusting and pathetic. You can see from the videos that the cats don’t even like it. If you have to hold a cat with your hands in order to brush it that means it wants to get away and doesn’t like what you’re doing. These idiots who invented this don’t even understand what their own cats like and don’t like. I saw this on shark tank and I thought it was a joke. I thought, “I didn’t know they had joke products on shark tank these days. What is this? Like the old Jerry Springer show (is that still on???) Where they’d have you know, two or three real guests that are really there because they need help or whatever you want to call it, then they’ll have a guest who is obviously an actor (and a poor one at that) faking some drama in a scripted/ad-libbed charade. But no, shark tank has not gone that direction these people were serious. I also can’t believe that they let them on shark tank. There are people with inventions that can do things like help autistic children with sensory overload. Do we see these inventions on shark tank? No, we see a useless pathetic silicone cat brush that is basically not usable because the cats don’t even like it. Much better cat brush: the “real cat tongue brush” which has nothing to do with you using it like a tongue and everything to do with the texture of the surface of the brush, which is molded in plastic to mimic the texture of a real cat tongue. Let me tell you they love that thing!


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