19 thoughts on “A Guide To Life”

  1. Tall *women* don’t date short men.
    I used to get in trouble with short guys for going after the short women (since I’m tall).

  2. Hmmmm ‘all of Africa is poor?” The Author needs to some research before making bold claims…

  3. In comparison to most a great deal of them are but thankfully the neo Cons are doing their best to even up things a bit.

  4. The individual that wrote these is self-loathing and full of negativity. For them the glass is always half-empty. Probably a liberal.

  5. @chris im…. not exactly sure you know what website you are browsing… sad and useless. if you want to read happy meaningful fluffy cloud memes i do believe you have come to the wrong place.
    also, way to read super deeply into a persons character with truly the most superficial of information and no actual evidence. probably voted for trump.

  6. This was entertaining and the comments were too!

    I think the message was that you might as well do whatever makes you happy because regardless of your position, someone will be there to judge you and put you down, even if that person is you judging yourself.

    Life isn’t fair for anyone, so have some compasion for yourself and for others. Life will always have challenges, but at the end of the day life is what you make it. So put on your big boy/girl pants and don’t worry about all the critism and hate, because in the end the issues are more often more about the other person than you.

    If we spend all our time worrying and focused on our shortcommings and issues then we won’t spend our time creating and enjoying the positive side of what life has to offer.

    Afterall, if you see that life can be crappy regardless of personal situations or status, we might be more gentle with ourselves and others. Life can also be good… our prisons are mostly in our minds anyway.

    If we truly are not unique and just a number, then maybe now we can be empowered to just do what makes up happy, and not worry about the haters.

    If you felt anything about the comic strips, whether it was positive or negative, then the artist’s work brought about emotions, which is exactly the point. Embrace the feeling and check in with yourself on how you can be better off for it, or not and just let it pass and move on.

  7. too many words, and too many comments. you all pretend to be more smart than you really you are. shame on you! go feed the dog and bring out the trash intestead!

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