We love owls on this site. We’ve previously featured Wet Owls and Disappointed Owls. But have you ever noticed how hilariously long legs owls have?
We love owls on this site. We’ve previously featured Wet Owls and Disappointed Owls. But have you ever noticed how hilariously long legs owls have?
I wish I had legs like this! Sexy!
Stop shaving them and I’m sure you will ;-)
What a bunch of angrybirds. But I guess they have a right to, as the world has discovered their shame. Owls have stork legs. Lol
They lose all dignity when their feathers are pulled up! The best ones are the walking purposefully owls looking like there is some important place they have to go.
Y’all be wildin’
WHO are we to judge
I meant HOO
if you could be an animal for a night. What animal would you be ?
Owl let you decide for me.
they look so preturbed xD they have been found out they havnt been shaving their legs also they have little potato bodies lol
Ummm… one of those photos is actually felted wool sculptures, not actual owls. (It’s the one with the most “owls” in it.)
Betty Grable of Birds!
it is funny
Skinny legs!!! That’s funny!
75 years old. I just found out today!
So funny .
OMG their legs are just so long.
This is how many people are surprised by the length of their legs
12 years and i just found out lol
13 years…
this is how many people actually read to the bottom of the comments 

also, 3 people are surprised by the length of owl legs?
Big eagle owls remind me of Vegas show girls with their very long legs and the tail position takes on the look of a costume when running away from something. I mean the owl runs from something such as a gross wiggle toy in a video I saw.
I am telling all my coworkers about this!!!!!!!!!!!!
sheesh. im actually 8 when i heard this
we do have long legies
“The better to hunt you with”, said owl
bro be lookin like hes stompin