Some people actually paid money to have these photos taken. Can you imagine? How much would you pay for a similar glamour shot? Let us know in the comments.
95 thoughts on “Low-Budget Glamour Shots That Are Just Too Terrible For Words”
My next pic will be a cat, too. There is one lying in the street in front of my house.
What the hell, is this gay Saturday?
Is that Art Garfunkle??
A lot of these deserve that one.
Apocalypse now one is kinda cool
Some of these people look like they spent too much time at the Golden Corral buffet after they left their trailer park slumber parties. Horrible! Fat, overweight and retarded looking. Gesiz!
How many of these people ended up in jail?
leave the animals out of this
Goodness, some of these people should locked up or shot
Creepy and disturbing!
The gymnast ( bubble) one isn’t bad,but the rest……omg😝
Oh dear god there are some future serial killers in that lot
I think all of these people will be voting for trump. 🤦🏻
A lot of guys here that still live with their mothers.
The guy with the chicken is the winner!
OMG, each one just got worse and worse.
OMG!! There are some things that can’t be ‘unseen’. All of these photos fall into that category!
Why is the front site on the M-16 upside down?
Is that Leo sayer??
This is what happens when cousins marry….
It looks like that poor parrot has been kidnapped and the ransom note is written on the back of the picture -“Deposit $10,000 in our account or the parrot 🦜 gets one in the haid”
Don’t be afraid,be very afraid
A budgie and a bayonnet – yeaah, that will work !
Jeffrey Dahmer?? Geez. Thought he was dead? Lol. I know. I know. He is dead. U think this is bad?? Check out the wild and wonderful Whites of West Virginia. You’re welcome. 🤣😂
The guy in blue sweatshirt and glasses, holding a grey cat, is adorable. He look so kind and utterly innocent.
Some of the other pictures look like it is the start of a serial killer program.
Speechless……just speechless.
Naked, in the bushes, with a cat?!?
Why am I left wondering if all the pictures of a man with a little boy are kidnappers? What terrible pictures!
Well what do you expect when they probably hired people straight off the street to take those pics. If meth was involved it could have been worse!
And the bleep shall inherit the earth. The cats are like, “oh, for f**ks sake!”
The challenge is to choose the worse one. Impossible as they are all so bad. Looks like the guy in the blue budgie smugglers is readying to punch that baby!
They are ALL Bad. We did a family one back in the early nineties that’s an embarrassment today.
I am totally beyond nauseated. Disturbed. Deja vu from the 80’s reminds me yet again, that those were not my favorite years. Ugh. I am deeply worried for the children that came out of that time in our world. My own children are included in this.
psycho chicken
Now we are watching the directors uncuts scene
I’m curious to know if the one with the girl in the middle and the two shirtless boys with bow ties, the kids are siblings? Because if they are, that’s a whole other level of wrong!!
All I can say is YUK
Holy mother of god my eyes hurt!!
I find it comforting that all of these are fake. Lalalalala not lstening! Fake! Funny fake pictures! People just kidding around! Lalalala….
The spectrum is strong with some of those
I feel really, really bad for the kids whose parents made them dress up like they’re Chippendale dancers, and the sister has to be in the middle of that. It’s cute to have nude images of your innocent little baby – weird but cute. It’s distressing and disturbing to have semi-nude, shirtless photos of your older children.
My next pic will be a cat, too. There is one lying in the street in front of my house.
What the hell, is this gay Saturday?
Is that Art Garfunkle??
A lot of these deserve that one.
Apocalypse now one is kinda cool
Some of these people look like they spent too much time at the Golden Corral buffet after they left their trailer park slumber parties. Horrible! Fat, overweight and retarded looking. Gesiz!
How many of these people ended up in jail?
leave the animals out of this
Goodness, some of these people should locked up or shot
Creepy and disturbing!
The gymnast ( bubble) one isn’t bad,but the rest……omg😝
Oh dear god there are some future serial killers in that lot
I think all of these people will be voting for trump. 🤦🏻
A lot of guys here that still live with their mothers.
The guy with the chicken is the winner!
OMG, each one just got worse and worse.
OMG!! There are some things that can’t be ‘unseen’. All of these photos fall into that category!
Why is the front site on the M-16 upside down?
Is that Leo sayer??
This is what happens when cousins marry….
It looks like that poor parrot has been kidnapped and the ransom note is written on the back of the picture -“Deposit $10,000 in our account or the parrot 🦜 gets one in the haid”
Don’t be afraid,be very afraid
A budgie and a bayonnet – yeaah, that will work !
Jeffrey Dahmer?? Geez. Thought he was dead? Lol. I know. I know. He is dead. U think this is bad?? Check out the wild and wonderful Whites of West Virginia. You’re welcome. 🤣😂
The guy in blue sweatshirt and glasses, holding a grey cat, is adorable. He look so kind and utterly innocent.
Some of the other pictures look like it is the start of a serial killer program.
Speechless……just speechless.
Naked, in the bushes, with a cat?!?
Why am I left wondering if all the pictures of a man with a little boy are kidnappers? What terrible pictures!
Well what do you expect when they probably hired people straight off the street to take those pics. If meth was involved it could have been worse!
And the bleep shall inherit the earth. The cats are like, “oh, for f**ks sake!”
The challenge is to choose the worse one. Impossible as they are all so bad. Looks like the guy in the blue budgie smugglers is readying to punch that baby!
They are ALL Bad. We did a family one back in the early nineties that’s an embarrassment today.
I am totally beyond nauseated. Disturbed. Deja vu from the 80’s reminds me yet again, that those were not my favorite years. Ugh. I am deeply worried for the children that came out of that time in our world. My own children are included in this.
psycho chicken
Now we are watching the directors uncuts scene
I’m curious to know if the one with the girl in the middle and the two shirtless boys with bow ties, the kids are siblings? Because if they are, that’s a whole other level of wrong!!
All I can say is YUK
Holy mother of god my eyes hurt!!
I find it comforting that all of these are fake. Lalalalala not lstening! Fake! Funny fake pictures! People just kidding around! Lalalala….
The spectrum is strong with some of those
I feel really, really bad for the kids whose parents made them dress up like they’re Chippendale dancers, and the sister has to be in the middle of that. It’s cute to have nude images of your innocent little baby – weird but cute. It’s distressing and disturbing to have semi-nude, shirtless photos of your older children.
I like the one of the old dude with the money.
Beautiful. Please never take this site down. ❤︎
The kitties are pretty.