The Funniest Luigi Mangione Memes And Reactions

In the world of crime, few people have recently captured the internet’s attention quite like Luigi Mangione, a man now infamous for allegedly assassinating Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare. While his crime is without a doubt very serious, the reaction of the internet has been anything but conventional. In the aftermath of his arrest, social media has done what it does best: make memes. Here we have collected the funniest examples. What do you think? Is Luigi Mangione a hero or a criminal? Or both? Let us know in the comments below!

the united healthcare ceo killer, luigi mangione, writing his manifesto:

LIVE: Luigi Mangione's brother reacts to his arrest for the murder of a healthcare CEO.

Not now sweetie mommy is watching the Internet thirst for Luigi Mangione

Because I'm Italian, despite any and all evidence to the contrary, I believe am genetically obligated to say Luigi Mangione didn't do it. I believe he was at my mom's house making sauce for dinner at the time of the shooting. Thank you. No further questions.

The last thing the CEO saw.

Is it too soon to bust out the Luigi Mangione meme?

Luigi Mangione when he gets his hospital bill and realizes he can fix his problems with one easy step

How is there already a Luigi Mangione meme coin

your honor, my client luigi mangione is innocent. he was just demonstrating the true power of having "looks that could kill." the only thing criminal is his bone structure.

The internet after learning about Luigi Mangione

Luigi mangione to Brian Thompson:

Exclusive footage of Luigi Mangione during his time on the run

Luigi Mangione shouldn’t have gone to McDonald’s.

Internet users in US now.

Me and the boys paying a visit to the McDonalds employee that snitched on Luigi Mangione

luigi mangione on trial is gonna be like "yeah i killed him because he neglects health in favor of money" and the prosecutors are gonna be like "HE'S A PSYCHOPATH"

In this house, Luigi Mangione is a hero, end of story.

Why would Luigi Mangione go to a McDonalds when he could just make-a the pizza?

Like a true Italian, Luigi Mangione's fatal error as an assassin was giving himself away by stopping to flirt with the cashier at the cafe before going to work

Me interrogating Luigi Mangione

Luigi Mangione: i hata paying da premiums, i shoota da ceo

BREAKING- Luigi Mangione Escapes Police Custody, Flees in an Entourage of Mini Coopers While Waving a Half-Eaten Cannoli

i just know the boomer that snitched on Luigi Mangione had this haircut

22 thoughts on “The Funniest Luigi Mangione Memes And Reactions”

  1. Republicans shooting Republicans. I can imagine many can’t see anything wrong with it. It’s just loud freedom. Bang bang.

  2. An innocent man, with a family. was murdered in cold blood.

    Yeah, let’s make funny memes about and give them a thumbs up.

    How sad….

  3. @Lydia
    I’m pretty sure he wasn’t so innocent. At the very least not ethical. Same as his murderer.
    From my European view, I’m just wondering why this or something similar hasn’t happened already. I’m pretty sure that there are enough victims of USA’s flavor of capitalism who don’t have anything to loose anymore.

  4. Lydia, innocent is a big word.
    Do you know how many truly innocent people and families are condemned to die by a society defined and designed by rich people? Health insurance is just the top of the iceberg. One of the many heads of the hydra, ancient greeks would say.

    You must be rich enough to live the privilege of not having this kind of real-life problems. I can agree with you about “having some grace” and not joking about nobody’s death. This is nordic/gen z humor. You can get it or not. Freedom of speech include also this kind of bad taste humour.

    But, please, reflect on the meaning of the word innocent and try to put that on poors’ perspective. From what a poor can see, this really looks like a small drop of justice in an ocean full of really graceless people counting money on other people’s death.

  5. If only this would be a wake-up call to the corrupt health care system. But it won’t. Those in power will continue to do whatever they need to do to make more money than they need while the rest of the population suffers. Every man for himself is the motto for those in government and in corporate America.

  6. The problem is systematic. Healthcare companies are considered for profit companies which means the number 1 goal is…to make a profit, is it not help the less fortunate.

  7. @JustAnotherProtoplasmicBlob which is why we need to genuinely start doing what Luigi did on a MUCH larger scale. Thompson was a killer. He was a murderer. His way of killing just wasn’t as visceral which is why he was able to get away with it. Since words do not work on the elites of society, violence becomes neccessary.

  8. This will be a wake up call to health insurance executives to change the way the do business. They will just take a little of their excessive profits and hire guards. But then they will deny the guards healthcare too. “You should have worn a bullet proof vest when you took that bullet for me. Besides, that was a preexisting bullet hole.”

  9. @Daniel + @Middle– I really can’t understand why the American people haven’t risen up against the for-profit model for health care long before now. This is not a partisan issue; this a class issue regardless if you are Democratic or Republican. I have no idea what it would take for us to finally get fed up enough. It’s bad enough as is.

  10. Because they are brainwashed slaves. They are told that the European healthcare models are communism or socialism. They don’t know what both means but they are well trained doggies and bark at everything marked as that. Even though Europe’s countries are capitalistic economies. They just invest in social services, education, infrastructure and healthcare. Because it is an investment in the country and its citizens. Healthy, educated people and a good infrastructure garantee a well oiled economy and progress. That’s why life quality in Europe is so much better than in the U.S. and the productivity is so high despite many countries being much smaller. Europe is in the 21st century while the U.S. are still stuck in the end of the 20th. Their politicians blame the opposition, immigrants, other countries or any scapegoat they can find. So they don’t have to do anything to change it.

  11. Then you are mistaken. Who do you think is running the company. A twenty-something? THe CEO is GenX but there are older employees in the company’s HQ.

  12. @Anon–Yes, I agree with you. Yet interestingly, Social Security and Medicare are popular among our population. It takes some mental gymnastics to disregard the socialistic nature of these programs but this they accomplish.

  13. @book of pain
    He obviously forgot where he came from. He also was confronted with accusations of fraud and insider trading. He definitely wasn’t a boyscout. Looks more like a greedy criminal killed by mentally unstable criminal.

  14. What is wrong with you people?? Luigi Mangione, whether you like it or not, is a murderer. And worse, he has murdered a man who had a wife and kids. He had a family. And instead of showing our support for the victim and his family everyone chooses to make memes and jokes and call the murderer hot?? Have you all lost your minds?? What happened to justice and standing up for what’s right? I know everyone paints Luigi as a sort of Robin Hood, but I believe that under no other circumstances, except self defense, should one man take the life of another. It is not our job to decide who should live and who should die. And people who celebrate murder are, I think, the worst criminals of all.

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