194 thoughts on “Men’s Fashion 2020 Collection”


  2. Whoa, a lot of troubled souls in the fashion industry. I do get that all fun and games to get attention, for someone to notice … but to throw your gender angst into non-constructive design idiocy seems like utterly giving up all hope. I have no idea what happened to these people in their childhoods, but I am confident it wasn’t pleasant.

  3. Even as a gay man I find this atrocious and would never – NEVER – wear any of this crap. This is not fashion: it is a mockery of clothing.

  4. And the Transgender, cross- dressers….trans- whatever find a new agenda. Let’s mess with mens fashion.

  5. ok but you know they always dress women this way anyway. i think the whole show is hysterical and well designed. says a lot. especially laughed with the Please Kill Me one. thank you for my thought for the day. so funny.

  6. Lost souls making a mockery of God. What an insult to the Creator of the universe. Satan at his lowest…again!

  7. “I want the 10 min. I wasted back!”

    What the hell took you 10 minutes on this post mate?

    I want my 15 seconds back..

  8. All part of the Communist agenda to destroy the social fabric: the family. Google “Frankfurt School” and understand that this emasculation of males is all part of the plan.

  9. I get that fashion is basically art and they’re not seriously expecting anyone to wear these getups…they’re probably one of a kind creations anyways. But it just goes to show how much detached excess is in the fashion world. It’s a bunch of celebs on the front row watching this shit usually.

  10. This is sick shit, and a method to get to one point.. Making Pedophilia Normal. Who wants?? The elite.

  11. They all look scared to death if they don’t walk. Who is trafficking these poor models? They should be jailed.

  12. Wait! Wait! I want my money back. They s aid there would be MALE models. This is like fashion for the mentally ill.

  13. Good to see a change in mens wear it goes a little to far same as when you see women fashion on cat walk.
    At least it dose not look like something my grandfather , my father and my brother.
    Walk into men wear see only green,black, green, and grey.

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