While medieval artists excelled at painting religious scenes and portraits of royalty, lions offered an altogether different challenge. It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a real lion.
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Of course. Even nowadays no one tries to stand in front of a lion to make a painting.
“Stupid lion, I said smile, not lick your lips!”
I love the first one
Some of these are manticores, not lions!
At least one of these drawings actually depicts a pard, a nonexistent animal (falsely) believed to be the parent of a leopard. Leopards were incorrectly believed to be a sterile F1 hybrid (like a mule) of a pard and lion until the 18th century
A few of these look pretty good and some others look like they were trying their best and failed… but holy hell the rest just kill me with those damn goofy faces lmao
The lion with the unicorn looks like he’s constipated.