“The Monster Project” – Where Kids’ Monster Doodles Are Recreated by Professional Artists

The Monster Project brings together kids and more than 100 professional artists that work together “to help children recognize the power of their own imaginations and to encourage them to pursue their creative potential”. Inspired by children’s doodles, artists recreate them in their own unique way, making it fun not only for the kids, but also for themselves. Featured below are some of the best examples.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

Kids' drawing recreated by a professional artist.

26 thoughts on ““The Monster Project” – Where Kids’ Monster Doodles Are Recreated by Professional Artists”

  1. Some are hilarious. But others are quite boring, sanitized versions of the kids’ weird (sometimes cruel) fantasies.. As a child I would be not amused!

  2. Love these so much! Kinda weird someone in another comment criticized children’s drawings. It’s not for you to be amused by rather them satisfying their own imagination. Awesome ideas by these little ones!

  3. Most of the time the kids versions are much more interesting, or the adult artist has taken the original too far in a direction.

  4. Everyone’s a critic, huh? Too good, too sanitised, too uninteresting, too original… too vertical!

  5. Poor strawberry monster, the white strawberry eating monster must be his biggest enemy. I had fun seeing these pictures, they’re great.

  6. Half of them, the ‘pro’ artist went way off and obviously didnt respect the kids original design. The ones where they stay true to the original are ace.

  7. Some of the artists thougjt it would be better to interpret the drawings them selves as there are clearly different images from kids

  8. I could see this as a Pixar movie. Like Foster’s home for imaginary friends. A kid doodles a monster and it becomes real in an alternate universe. Most of the monsters a playful and childlike but then a bully kid draws a bully monster and it starts terrorizing the monster world until a kid (who has also doodled a monster) stands up to the bully in the real world and that empowers the hero-kid’s monster to stand up to the bully monster.

  9. Love them all but I found it amazing the one kid who made his/her character fly with he help of butterflies…these kids have some interesting imagination and the artist that recreated them has great talent! Loved it!

  10. Some of the recreations don’t look like the drawings. I’m a bit neat on details which makes me disappointed.

  11. Ya these are all pretty cute except one!!! Am I the only one that gets the creeps looking at #9 😳
    Jesus is this kid going to grow up to be a serial killer?? Anyone notice the bodies hanging, the figures with stab wounds & the decapitated body at the bottom right with the head at the top of the page!!! Yikes I think this child needs to be seeing a psychologist or someone!!! 😣

  12. Brilliant love them all. All that creativity & imagination makes me happy. I might have to go and draw a monster myself.

  13. Re #9… What interests me the most about this child’s drawing is the fact that the gleeful murderer is wearing a monk’s robe with a golden cross.

  14. I’d love to know how the kids reacted to the newer versions… if they saw them I bet they thought they were fantastic.

  15. These are OK. The kids’ drawings seem to barely have anything to do with the artist’s result. Some woman did a similar thing with much better results. She took kids’ drawings and sewed toys almost the same as the drawing. *That* was funny!

  16. Kids do see it that way, The just cannot draw it as professionally

    Kid’s imagination is boundless and sometimes very scary.

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