Elon Musk Nazi Salute: Memes And Reactions

Elon Musk, in a surprising twist, unveiled his latest innovation: the “Nazi Salute 2025”. Instead of aiming rockets to Mars, he’s aiming… well… Is this real life? What is happening? Have we slipped into some kind of a weird parallel reality? Scroll down to see the funniest memes and reactions of the latest Elon’s insanity.

Musk wasn’t doing the Nazi salute intentionally. This is something he does at home, in private, in front of the mirror. In a moment of exuberance, his muscle memory kicked in. Let it go.

elon musk is not a nazi ok. he has autism and just does this when he's excited

I think I've found Elon Musk's car

Elon Musk addresses the masses (1939).

Elon Musk can’t even do a normal Hitler salute. He made it look stupid like this

Would this be enough to revoke his citizenship? If not, what would be?

Elon musk doing the a nazi salute on stage in front cameras two seconds into trump’s presidency because he knows they’ll be no repercussions because he’s basically bought the American government …just WOW

Elon Musk showing how tall Barron Trump really is:

MAGA voters right now:

Useful guide:

The arc: 1. “It wasn’t a Nazi salute.” 2. “Maybe it was a Nazi salute but it was a joke.” 3. “It wasn’t a joke but it was owning the libs.” 4. “It wasn’t owning the libs but so what?” 5. “Actually, Hitler had some good ideas….”

If the personality, traits and ideals fit...then the mustache is legit!

Elon knowing full well we all saw what he did and that there isn't a single thing that's going to happen to him:

Mark my words: someone in MAGA's orbit is about to pull some profoundly chaotic shenanigans to distract from Elon's nazi salute.

Elon Musk did a Nazi salute Oh they’re not even trying to hide it

WTF did Elon just do?

no guys it’s super cool that Elon Musk sieg heil’d at the inauguration. no guys it’s super cool that Trump withdrew us from the WHO. no guys it’s super cool that he’s trying to remove birthright citizenship. it’s cool. it’s fine.

Well Elon finally showed his true values with a third reich saulte surprised he didn't walk off stage like this

God even when Elon Musk does a Sieg Heil he looks like a robot learning human motor skills

All internet right now.

the man sieg heiling in 4k and the media is like "musk appeared to have made a gesture vaguely reminiscent of the roman salute"

Elon Musk immediately after inauguration:

The video of Musk doing the nazi salute is deceptively edited. In the longer version you can see he does it twice.

27 thoughts on “Elon Musk Nazi Salute: Memes And Reactions”

  1. I don’t know what personality disorder Musk sport aside the results of drug abuse but it’s definitely not autism. False diagnose.

  2. Old habits die hard. We have to keep in mind he’s a white South African. Some of the most racist people on the planet.

  3. No hand on the Bible
    Nazi salutes (yes, plural!)
    Oligarchs from across the Globe in attendance 1/20/2025
    Killing Climate Change reform, NATO, WHO, 14th amendment, and my all time favorite as a supporter of police reform and funding; pardons for the January 6, 2021 rioters. You remember them: beat and killed Capital Police, smeared and dropped human excrement in the Capital Rotunda, used cattle prides, flags, tasers, allowed to bring weapons guns into the rally and also erected a gallows for the execution of VP Pence.
    We are just experiencing the first few days people! Are you ready for the next 1400+ days!

  4. If you need a hand sign to realize who’s bad or not… Well. I guess it explains a lot of things.

  5. what do expect from a drug addict who was handed everything and of course amerikkka will do nothing to punish this roach because deep down the amerikkkans want all this smoke

  6. Where is gone the cleverness of that website? It’s a non stop dumbistic downfall when it touches to politic.

  7. I’m not surprised he did that, in his mind he’s so rich that there is no limit what he can do or say. Now he tryes to get the MAGA moving in Europe as well …
    If we all stand up for the TRUE VALUES of Democracy he won’t succeed.

  8. In the old days there was a great tradition where such people may come to a visit to f*ck up your home but never leave again.

  9. The Trumpanzees are torn between the:

    “Oh wow, I think I just creamed my pants!!!” Or :”Wow, that was a bit too fast, even for us, old Neo-Nazis!! – he should have waited a a week or so!!”

  10. I have lived in the USA as a legal alien for 12 years. I witnessed all of the Watergate period. What I remember is the respect both parties had for each other. That has been replaced by a desire to vilify, damage and ridicule each other. What happened?

  11. “Social” media and a billionaire agenda. Look up some figures like Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoc, the Koch brothers and you know there are more of them in the background. They all despise democracy and seek for a renewal of a feudal system on a global scale with themselves as the ruling class and all others as slaves.

  12. Daphne Scott, If all the Capitol Police quit they would be replaced by the violent criminals that Trump let out since they lost their jobs if they had one to start with.. The want to get even with the law for catching up to them. So they blame the Democrats and then the Democrats wouldn’t be safe in the Capitol.

  13. Stupid move.I don’t think he did it with that intention. He’s smart. He obviously was waving out over the people but didn’t quite understand/make i🙋🏻‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  14. seasoned politicians who wave with their right hand extended are always sure to spread their fingers to avoid just this kind of bad press. elmo didn’t get the memo. plus, he’s probably a nazi.

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