173 thoughts on “Awkward Gallery of Internet Tough Guys”

  1. HAHAAAAAAAAAA IT says “FITTING ROOM” in the back of one of them and in that one…


  2. This is what I picture when some anonymous yahoo starts in with defending ‘merica! from a tyrannical government.

  3. Two things.
    Number two, it has been my personal experience that the begger the gun and the quantity, the bigger the coward.
    Number one, I am not going to be specific as to the picture but some years ago at an outdoor wedding one of the guests brought out his sword and started doing all these ninja movie moves.
    I am not sure I recognize the guy in the picture but…

  4. We, us North Americans of European descent, are the master race. Never realized it until now. Truly superior specimens.

  5. I’m so glad someone up there also caught the irony of the “fitting room” sign. OH LAWD HE COMIN

  6. The Only guy that deserves a Pass is the guy holding Strut Cartridges for a car like laser cannons lol

  7. 2 things…

    1… If anyone made a page like this making fun of ANY other group there would be hell to pay. If it’s not right to put down a group because of interest or hobbies and this whole do what makes you feel special, it should account to everyone.
    2… one of those photos is of a personal friend of mine from a promo shoot… he and his wife teach weapons training and compete in Olympic level fencing… they have also been some of the most supportive to every group that I see ripping Into his picture just because he’s some white guy with a sword…

  8. love the one with Scottish Broadsword and the one with the AR-15 looking gangster, and this is why i hate the Red Flag bs. none of these people are that threatening and this is the reason i won’t show off my weapons. plus it takes a lot of skill and stamina to use a sword

  9. Olympic-level is just what he tells people because he thinks it deters people from realizing he is just another socially awkward white guy with a sword.

  10. the guy in the furry skirtini is displaying a sense of fun and irony and is therefore hot

  11. I’m going to start posing with my rifles, because obviously I haven’t been doing them right by not showing them off with my sexy, sexy bod. 🤦🏼‍♂️

  12. A gallery of mostly young guys doing something they are passionate about.
    Anything wrong with that? No
    Is it wrong because I don’t understand it? Hell no!

    These guys are doing something they are enjoy and to heck with what anyone thinks of it….. I thought our society generally admired this kind of thing!

  13. I’m speechless. I didn’t realize there was that many guys with mental illnesses living on the same planted I do!!!

    You didn’t think I’d use any other name other than Anonymous after posting this did you?

  14. That was suppose to be PLANET not planted. Good Grief sometimes I’m so stupid.

  15. In fairness to the lad in the beige coat and katana, I think he’s trying to do a Highlander cosplay.

  16. Physically unimpressive kids. They have no training and believe they will save civilization.

  17. The one thing all the folks have in common? All own a copy of Korns Follow The Leader on cassette.

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