173 thoughts on “Awkward Gallery of Internet Tough Guys”

  1. I want to hire the guy with Bic Blue Ink for protection from the Cholo in the Zoot Suit pictured earlier.

  2. I like that one guy’s shirt:

    “Some people are alive simply because it’s against the law to kill them.”

    The closest thing to wisdom or a brain that any of these guys has.

  3. I love the one where there’s a mirror behind the guy and you can see his mom taking the picture.

  4. Car Struts guy rules .. I don’t know how women can possibly control themselves around him . 🤘 Honestly he is totally the coolest guy on this page .

  5. I’m guessing a good third to half of these are taken from LARP club profiles and aren’t supposed to to be taken seriously. And kudos on the obese guy doing archery, that’ll burn a lot of carbs if he keeps it up. And the guy with the uzi, did he build that?

    The rest of them, hmm.

  6. For a sec i though i would see myself in those gallery hahahaha yeah i made such pic when i was a teenager, they are embarrassing to see now

  7. Why does everyone assume they all live with their parents and that their weapons aren’t real? Hell, I bet the guy with the chain link armor made it himself and sells them at ren fairs for 100s of dollars custom. This seems to be a site dedicated to @holes making it obvious that they make assumptions about any clique but their own. GROW UP.

  8. I look at these pictures and see the obvious results of bullying. So let’s make fun of them more, right?

  9. At least the kid with the broadsword in the snow has the arm muscles to indicate he might have trained with the weapon.

  10. The fat freak with the machete is genuinely terrifying. The rest of these tools would cry if you punch them in the stomach.

  11. These are exactly the kind of sad weirdos who go homicidal at the mere thought of being laughed at…

  12. Shockingly these wouldn’t have been so awkward without such basic photography, no editing, and complete lack of regard towards setting. Ie, not your fkng bedroom or living room!

  13. They all but the fatest one have their booger hooks on the bang switch!
    The herd will cul themselves shortly!

  14. It’s like someone made a guide on “How to Spot an Incel”… 🤣🤣🤣

  15. The guy with the “badass” T-shirt should be thankful for the law, it may be the only reason ~he’s~ alive.

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