When it comes to the most celebrated animal on the internet, cats win hands (er, paws) down. And in terms of Nicolas Cage, can you think of another actor who’s inspired more video parodies, memes and is-he-or-isn’t-he vampire controversy? Given that, it makes sense the two would collide in this beautiful gallery.
If you enjoyed this pointless Photoshop project, you will also like Cats On Synthesizers In Space, Cats Photoshopped Into Food, and Cat Godzillas In Cities.
i worship this
my school also blocked this site
my school hasnt blocked this site yet and im so happy. i love it.
i love this
my mom says that she loves it to
never in my life have i seen perfection in a picture until now
i love this site.
My school hasn’t blocked it, and it is my new serotonin dose. I laughed for 30 minutes straight, while we were supposed to be in class.
He makes a good cat
Wouldn’t want to rattle that cat’s Cage
I found this page by accident as I’m sure most do. But, I love the last comment before mine as much as the images.
these remind me of those pitiful medieval depictions of cats