Women On Instagram Are Choosing Not To Shave For Januhairy

Similar to the social movement Movember, which encourages men to grow mustaches in November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide, Januhairy is an annual event targeted to women. Launched by Laura Jackson back in 2018 and started as an experiment for women to be sponsored to grow out their body hair for a month, Januhairy aims to promote body positivity and acceptance of body hair on women. The feedback controversial… What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

Hot or not?

21 thoughts on “Women On Instagram Are Choosing Not To Shave For Januhairy”

  1. @ Anonymous January 18, 2025

    Ummm… You know you’re gay if this doesn’t bother you. “Jebanje dlakave babe” doesn’t really defines you as a “not pedo”.

  2. If you’re feeling comfortable with it – it’s okay for me.
    But personally I see disgusting bodies.

  3. They seem to consider head hair different. No beards or mustaches, although those are common.

    +1 to the chest hair and unibrow.

  4. If it bothers you, don’t look. Leave people’s personal choices alone, none of anyone’s business. (Some) Males shave their bodies, some women choose not to.

    I can’t see what the problem is, there are no consequences.

  5. Kind of funny how men demand women infatalize themselves for men’s pleasure. The whole concept of shaving legs, underarms and any other part of a women’s body is so last century.

    These women are au natural beautiful, and I hope it becomes the standard!

  6. It’s kinda strange that women have to alter their bodies to be seen as “feminine”. Does this mean that straight men aren’t actually attracted to women? How confusing!

  7. That means men demanding women to shave are actually pedos. Some of them without even knowing it. All that tradwife and shave culture is for pedos and guys with an Oedipus complex. Typical conservative upbringing.

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