This is what happens when marketing people are not paying attention and ads fail in a hilarious or offensive way… So let’s buckle up for a fun ride which is basically a masterclass on how not to create and produce an ad!
This is what happens when marketing people are not paying attention and ads fail in a hilarious or offensive way… So let’s buckle up for a fun ride which is basically a masterclass on how not to create and produce an ad!
Relationships have lots of milestones: the first time you say “I love you”, the day you move in together, the first time you go grocery shopping together, and so on. But one of the most important and least discussed milestones is the first time you fart in a bed… Luckily, Weng Chen is here to help. She is a cartoonist behind the Messycow blog as well as a recovering bed farter.
There really is an online community for everyone. Even for people who like to collect pictures of guys who sort of look like Adam Sandler that has thousands of members and is going strong. Featured below are some of their best finds.
Internet is a strange place. Some people draw cartoon eyes and mouths for their cats, other people turn their cats into dinosaurs, and some make them wear tights and share these pictures with the whole world…
In his own words: “The idea initially came to me as I was observing my own cats when they were playing with a bug that entered our house. I wondered how they would react if my wife and I were that small. They’re so sweet and cuddly that we tend to forget they’re apex predators.” If you like Matt’s pictures, support his Etsy store where you can buy prints of his works.
Flaunt your massive mammories this winter while wearing the boob scarf! The soft fleece caresses your skin and keeps you warm while the nippleitis-laden knockers keep the scarf hanging au naturel. Is this for real? Yes, you can actually buy this tacky insane thing on Amazon!
These poor dogs have no idea how to catch a frisbee. Truly heartbreaking. Btw, if you laughed at this gallery, you are a terrible person.
These poor dogs have no idea how funny they look with their frisbees. Nobody told them that you’re not supposed to hold frisbees in a way that resembles huge filler lips.
Twitter user Alina Pleskova found a book all alone, abandoned, and lonely on the curb and decided to rescue it, bringing it back home with her. She couldn’t help but share the photos, that has dozens of brilliant, wild, and hilariously bizarre costumes for kids and adults alike. Scroll down to see the funniest examples from Asher Jane’s “Fancy Dress” book!
Andy and Magnus Tait embarked on an epic “Rude Trip” of Britain, and over four days visited places across the country with rude and naughty names. Their 2,000-mile journey took them on a loop from Edinburgh down the west coast, along the south coast and back up the east coast of England. Here are the lads at all the funniest named places that they visited.
Artist and cartoonist (or as he calls himself, “artoonist”) Hugleikur Dagsson enjoys drawing ironic parodies of popular songs. You will love this, unless you’re easily offended. Please don’t scroll down if you are easily offended.
Did you know that some people choose to turn to taxidermists to keep their pets with them forever? Well, now you do. Even worse than that, sometimes they choose to save money on this endeavour and seek the cheapest taxidermy services they can find. The results are shown below.
While most people turn to Netflix when bored, others unleash their creativity. Guys, it’s time to show the world your chest hair art skills and join these fine men featured below!