It’s not easy to be a fashionable man in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring beard is no longer enough. Now you have to grow a half beard to keep up with the times!
It’s not easy to be a fashionable man in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring beard is no longer enough. Now you have to grow a half beard to keep up with the times!
It would be very interesting to hear the stories behind these borderline insane mugshot haircuts. Almost makes you want to become a cop…
Obviously, these people never took an art class. Then they decided to commit a crime. Now their terrible eyebrows have ended up in this gallery for everyone to admire.
Australian painter Vanessa Stockard sneaks her three adorable cats, Kevin The Kittin, his mom Fluff Ferstenberg and the head of the fluff family, Satan, into her paintings. Stockard’s process includes pieces developed without visual reference but rather from memory. She has a unique style and the outcome is adorably hilarious.
Have you ever noticed how much 90s goalkeepers look like birds? Well, they do. They really do. Scroll down for a proof!
Creepy clowns, puppets from hell, Santa who looks like a molester… The album covers from the past were really a nightmare-inducing horror show.
Not everyone loves their name but at least you don’t have to walk around as “Ben Dover” or “Mike Litoris”. It’s hard to believe that these unfortunate names were purely accidental. Their parents must’ve had them and thought, “let’s ruin their life from the start”.
From “How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety” to “Cat Butts In Space“, when it comes to books, Amazon really has everything. Scroll down to see the top 20 most ridiculous cat books you can actually buy online.
“How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety” by Zachary Auburn
It’s not easy to be a fashionable cat owner in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring cat hat is no longer enough. Now you have to make a bonnet for your pet to keep up with the times! If you don’t know how to make a cat bonnet, you can get one on Amazon.
A thrift store is a truly wonderful place for those looking to broaden their fashion horizons with some unique clothing pieces, get weird books, or buy some really awkward amateur artworks. Scroll down to see some of the best (worst?) examples!
All aboard the Walmart express! Move over Little Engine that could, and hey Chuggington there is no room for you in this space. The Walmartians are coming!
Yep, that’s right. Two-person, four-legged undies are, indeed, a thing that exists. They’re called “Undies For Two” and are sold on Amazon… Obviously. Because where else? Jeff Bezos owns everyone and everything these days.
Ah, Star Wars. Not many movies have created so many arguments, theories, and memes as this one. In this post we have collected the funniest Star Wars memes so scroll down and enjoy, and… May the 4th be with you!
It’s stuff like these Super Mario sightings that make you really start to question the legitimacy of “reality” and start wondering if we actually live in a Matrix…