Ever seen a hedgehog being anesthetized? Turns out it’s the cutest thing ever! They are so tiny that vets use this small animal anaesthetic chamber to keep them pain free during medical intervention.
Ever seen a hedgehog being anesthetized? Turns out it’s the cutest thing ever! They are so tiny that vets use this small animal anaesthetic chamber to keep them pain free during medical intervention.
While medieval artists excelled at painting religious scenes and portraits of royalty, lions offered an altogether different challenge. It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a real lion.
Here’s the briefest of explainers: after many years of steady decline, GameStop was not doing well and their stock was super low. Then, they hired some new board members and the stock went up. Institutional investors (aka hedge funds) observing the phenomenon decided to “short” GameStop stocks to make a lot of money when it failed. Then the /r/Wallstreetbets subreddit caught wind of their scheme and started buying GameStop stocks like crazy, hugely inflating the price of the stock so some hedge funds lost all their money.
Who would have thought that a sitting pigeon looks so awkward and funny? Scroll down to see for yourself! And please excuse the photo quality. These pictures were obviously taken with a half-baked potato.
Bootleg toys… lovingly recreated (ripped-off
The whole population of the internet seems to be jumping on the idea of turning the furniture giant’s famous blue bag into must-have fashion accessories and unique clothing. From face masks and dresses to shoes and thongs (no, really), there seems to be no limit to what DIY projects people can make with IKEA’s frakta bag.
 Artist Jeff Hong has done an illustration project “Unhappily Ever After” where he placed his favorite cartoon characters in unfortunate social contexts, where they are suffering the dramas and anguish of ordinary people. Scroll down if your day is going too good and you want to feel sad!
“Modern problems require modern solutions”. Those are the words of American stand-up comedian Dave Chappelle that has now been turned into a meme. Featured below are the funniest examples of these words applied to real-world events and situations. Scroll down and enjoy!
The codpiece as a feature of male dress dates to the 15th and 16th centuries during the renaissance. Designed to cover the gap between the two legs of men’s hose, it is packed and shaped to emphasize rather than disguise the genital area.
Did you know that there are companies that take chicken safety very seriously and sell chicken helmets on Amazon? As you can see from the pictures below, these companies actually have customers, and there really are people who spend their hard-earned cash on this stuff. We truly live in an amazing time!
When it comes to bad face tattoos, not many people will be able to come up with worse examples than these shown below. Really makes you think what was the reasoning behind these dumb decisions.
The internet is full of funny and weird trends, and toilet paper roll astronomy is one of them. Scroll down to see beautiful photos of pet Moons made with DIY toilet paper roll telescopes!
These wholesome cartoons are made by Ben Hed and features two main characters. Pixie is a tiny, joyful, energetic kitten. She’s innocent, and also somewhat oblivious to the serious, dangerous stuff around her. On the other hand, Brutus is a large, scar-faced German Shepherd with a military background. Together Pixie and Brutus make a great team.