An Honest Horoscope! Finally!

We all are guilty of checking our horoscopes once in a while. Even those who don’t believe in them have read what the future holds for their star sign at least once out of pure curiosity. While your birth date may not have anything to do with your fate or who you are as a person, sometimes horoscopes can make us take a hard and honest look at ourselves. Especially honest ones.

You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you’re stupid. Everyone thinks you’re a jerk.

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Just In Time For Summer: Coffin Pool Float With Lid

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Man, the beach is awesome, but what if it had more death?” If yes, then oh boy, we have a treat for you. This coffin pool float (complete with lid) was created by Canadian designers Andrew Greenbaum and Ian Felton who launched a Pom Pom Floats brand to make their dream come true. The coffin floatie is available in black or pink and tt perfectly encapsulates the two biggest fears of being buried alive and drowning. So much fun, right?

Coffin floatie sounds like so much fun, right?

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Cancer Survivor Creates Sincere Empathy Cards

Emily McDowell is a greeting card designer and cancer survivor. In her own words: “The most difficult part of my illness (was) the loneliness and isolation I felt when many of my close friends and family members disappeared because they didn’t know what to say, or said the absolute wrong thing without realizing it.” In an effort to make things easier, she created these cards.

Empathy card.

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Pictures of Cats Using Your Carefully Chosen Gifts

Cats are pretty smart. They did, after all, convince an entire ancient civilization to worship them. So when we look at the pictures below, it’s safe to assume that these cats aren’t just being stupid. No. These cats are making a statement, and that statement is: “We don’t like your gifts. And even if we do, we’re not going to let you know it.”

When you buy a gift for your cat...

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