The beauty world has got a real thing for body hair right now, but if you’re bored of drawing all the focus to your eyebrows or lashes, never fear – there’s another hairy trend you can try – nostril hair extensions!
The beauty world has got a real thing for body hair right now, but if you’re bored of drawing all the focus to your eyebrows or lashes, never fear – there’s another hairy trend you can try – nostril hair extensions!
You’ve probably heard that cat owners are little weird. For example, Elizabeth Woods-Darby and her husband decided to create a newborn photoshoot. In their own words: “Today we welcomed our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22″ long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz. He is already eating solid food. Name to be announced. We are so in love <3”
We have made fun of Trump countless times on this site. We compared his chin to a frog, forced him to wear extremely long ties, and even shrunk him to look like a toddler. Now it’s time to cut Trump some slack and make a funny gallery about Bernie Sanders… or, as we call him, Birdie Sanders.
The Hair Freezing Contest at Takhini Hot Pools started in 2011. The early years of the contest had humble beginnings, with $100 of prize money given to the best frozen hairdo and just a few dozen participants each year. Over the years, the contest gained momentum since then, Takhini Hot Pools has increased the prize money to $750 and added several new categories. Scroll down to see the best participants of 2020.
Apparently this adorable creature is taking over Instagram and other social media as people are sharing their photos hanging out with it. We’re not sure where and why it was made, but we tracked it down on Amazon and you can get it for around $40 and join these people featured below.
Who would have thought that mirrors are so complicated? These poor cats are clearly struggling to wrap their minds around them.
Bitter truths are in abundance and the Truth Potato is on a mission to throw most of them onto our faces. What’s more amusing than a cute potato breaking your shield of denial and giving you few words of wisdom?
Who needs a professional designer when you can save money and make a book cover by yourself, right? Wrong.
Voluspa: A Magical World by Sam D
“Roll over? You mean roll another?”, “We need to marilize legijuana”, “Play dead? No man… Play Floyd!”, and other brilliant thoughts that would appear in dogs’ minds if they got high.
Did you know that there is an online movement called #TinFoilCat where people put tin foil hats on their cats to protect them from mind control? Well, now you know…
Road trips with travel buddies have plenty of benefits. For example, you can chat with them or use them as slaves for opening bottles of water. When Redditor MrMagoo21 takes a trip with his wife, however, he’s having none of that. To illustrate his wife’s egoistic approach towards traveling, he has compiled a funny photo gallery of all their adventures, or lack thereof, en route.
Even though Brexit has been a spectacular failure, the UK has finally left European Union. Could similar campaigns have flourished with catchier names in other EU countries? Probably not, for reasons that are becoming clearer and clearer. But just in case, the internet’s punsters are parodying Brexit with suggestions for names that the rest of Europe can use if they decide they’ve had enough.
Turn heads as you shred down the slopes by staying warm with one of these ultra realistic animal face ski masks. They are produced by a company called Beardo and are wind-proof, dust-proof, breathable, quick-drying, and are emblazoned with a vivid animal print complete with 3D ears. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of people who decided to make fools out of themselves and actually bought one.
If you ever thought that all birds are sweet, innocent, and fluffy, well… we have bad news for you: some of them are total jerks. Seagulls for example are evil bastards who will steal an ice cream cone right out your hand. Scroll down to the see the hidden dark side that dwells within their little hearts.
Meet Charlene. She works at Walmart North East in Maryland. She poses with various products for the store’s Facebook page and people are loving how hilarious the pics look. Probably because of the contrast between her easygoing attitude and her serious expression. Or because it’s obvious that she’s genuinely having fun. The look in her eyes says it all!