Zero F**ks Coins Allow You To Literally Give Zero F**ks

Orlando, Florida based entrepreneur Justin Heister thought it’d be hilarious to actually physically give his friends zero f**ks so he made a Kickstarter campaign that went viral and raised $81,000 after setting the goal at $4,000. This enabled Heister to gear his focus towards designing new coins to add to the collection such as “Rats Ass” and “One Shit”. “A lot of people buy them as gag gifts or birthday gifts. I’ve seen people leave them for shitty tips for shitty service,” he says, and you can now start doing that too by visting his store.

Give this as a tip for bad service.

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Jesus Being a Jerk

“Jesus Is a Jerk” is a meme consisting of images showing Jesus with average people doing everyday tasks. Hilarity ensues as funny and often vulgar text is added. The original images with the caption “With You Always” were illustrated as a series titled “Jesus: With You Always” in 1987 by the Christian artist Larry Van Pelt. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of this meme!

Are we there yet?

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