The Funniest “What Idiot Called It…” Tweets

Some people believe that puns are the lowest form of comedy possible. We humbly believe that these people are wrong. One of our favorite puntastic joke categories is “what idiot called it X and not Y,” where a word that everyone knows is taken and a punny alternative is suggested to replace it. Simple but effective and almost guaranteed to improve your mood and crack a smile.

what idiot called it a "randomized clinical trial controlled with placebo" and not "trick or treatment"

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Animals Licking Windows

There are plenty of reasons for animals to lick stuff around them, but by far our favorite is when they use their tongues to explore the strange mysterious invisible forcefields known to us as “glass”.

Who would have known that windows are delicious...

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Hyperlip: A Product That Will Give You Giant Gaping Lips

In today’s “Because Why Not” post we have Hyperlip, a toy, tool, thing, whatever it is, it makes your lips look big, gaping, and all around, weird. If it seems like we are having a hard time describing what the hell Hyperlip is, it’s because we actually don’t know ourselves. The best way to find out is just to look at the pictures below and be in awe, that someone like yourself actually bought them. They probably died a little inside as they pulled out their credit card.

Have you seen a more beautiful smile?

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