Hyperlip: A Product That Will Give You Giant Gaping Lips

In today’s “Because Why Not” post we have Hyperlip, a toy, tool, thing, whatever it is, it makes your lips look big, gaping, and all around, weird. If it seems like we are having a hard time describing what the hell Hyperlip is, it’s because we actually don’t know ourselves. The best way to find out is just to look at the pictures below and be in awe, that someone like yourself actually bought them. They probably died a little inside as they pulled out their credit card.

Have you seen a more beautiful smile?

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Inflatable T-Rex Costume Is Taking Over Instagram

For some weird and unexplainable reason this inflatable T-Rex costume costume is gaining a huge following on instagram. Under #trexcostume hashtag alone there are already more than 25k entries. It looks like people really enjoy spending their hard earned cash on stupid stuff for the sole purpose of displaying their purchase on social media. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Funny inflatable T-Rex costume.

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The Real Meanings Of Words

Dictionaries are usually good at explaining things, but when it comes to language that we can all relate to, they sometimes leave us high and dry. This post is here to be honest with us about what some widely used words really mean.

What this word really means.

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Man Posts Brilliant Puns And Dad Jokes On a Community Road Sign

Vince Rozmiarek is the king of puns. For the past 6 years, he has been posting brilliant dad jokes on the outdoor message board of the Indian Hills Community Center in Indian Hills, Colorado. He volunteers at the center and manages the roadside sign that stands along the only highway in the town of about 1,000 people. You’d think that with such a remote location and small audience, his play-on-words would go largely unnoticed; but with the help of social media, Rozmiarek’s platform has made folks across the world appreciate his sense of humor.

Brilliant sign. Simply perfect.

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Trump Shows a Fake Hurricane Map Altered With a Sharpie, Inspires Hilarious Reactions

Donald Trump is making headlines once again. The newest scandal to rock the Presidency has everything to do with the idea that just because you draw on something with a marker pen, it doesn’t change reality. When Trump showed off a predictive National Hurricane Center map, it looked like it was drawn on with a Sharpie in one place. Trump insisted that hurricane Dorian had a “95% chance” of hitting Alabama, even though the National Weather Service denied it. And, boy, did the internet love where this was going…

Just because you draw on something with a marker pen, it doesn't change reality.

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