We at this site are very passionate about two things: cats and weird photoshopping. We’ve previously featured Huge Cats Among Us, Brides vs. Cats, and Nicolas Cage Cats. Naturally, this gallery was the next logical step.
We at this site are very passionate about two things: cats and weird photoshopping. We’ve previously featured Huge Cats Among Us, Brides vs. Cats, and Nicolas Cage Cats. Naturally, this gallery was the next logical step.
Children are adorable but sometimes they’re not very bright so they often fail at playing hide and seek, which provides their parents with cute and funny photos.
Employees of National Aquarium of New Zealand got so tired of penguins acting out that they decided to publicly shame them…
Did you know that you can actually buy chicken diapers on Amazon and on Etsy? Various companies and individuals are selling and designing them for the rapidly growing community of pet chicken owners.
Most of the world associate Canada with maple syrup, niceness, and more maple syrup. But the truth is… not that different, actually. Scroll down to see for yourself!
It’s no secret that we love pointless Photoshop projects. We’ve previously featured Godzilla Kittens In Cities, Trump With an Extremely Long Tie, and Bread Celebrities. Why not combine dogs and birds?
Have you ever wondered what Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis or Miley Cyrus would look like with Steve Buscemi’s eyes? No? Too bad… Because we put together a gallery anyway.
Warning: the following post is not for the faint-hearted! Scroll down only if you are 100% sure that you can handle it!
Russia is a weird place full of strange people. Their playgrounds are pure nightmare fuel, mob graveyards are extremely bizarre, and wedding pictures are very random. Turns out Russians also really love to create awkward profile pics with a little help from Photoshop…
As you’ve probably noticed, we are big fans of stupid, pointless photoshopping. We’ve previously featured Trump With an Extremely Long Tie, Father Of The Year, and Hanging Out With Celebrities. Obviously, people riding invisible bicycles was going to happen sooner or later…
Can you imagine a world where everyone looks at their sandwiches with the delight they look at phones or babies?
It is safe to say that dogs are usually very photogenic but these poor creatures, all caught mid-sneeze, prove that even dogs can look silly and lose their composure, just like us.
Still illegal. But funny. But illegal. So don’t do this, just scroll down, watch and laugh.
Some peoples want to get a tatoo more like they’re want to learn to spell teh hard words. Scroll down tu see the bestest examples.