We’ve previously featured Funniest Animal Panoramic Photo Fails, now it’s time to round up people who miserably failed to master panorama feature on their phones.
We’ve previously featured Funniest Animal Panoramic Photo Fails, now it’s time to round up people who miserably failed to master panorama feature on their phones.
Nobody likes unflattering pictures of themselves, but if you’re a celebrity or somebody in the public eye then they’re simply par for the course. Unless you’re Donald Trump that is! President has complained about the way certain news outlets were covering him, especially relating to unflattering photographs of his double chin. And it didn’t take the internet long to respond…
First Lady Melania Trump was honored in her home country of Slovenia with a life-size wooden statue in the city of Sevnica this week – and reviews are mixed. Some claimed it looks like Smurfette, while others likened it to a scarecrow.
People all over social networks are posting their selfies while wearing cat as a hat. If you have a cat and are starving for attention, you should join them too. Featured below are some of the best examples of cat hat craze.
The wind always wins. Always. Even the Pope himself is not powerful enough to do anything about it.
Nobody likes to go to the doctor, but some vet clinics are trying to lighten up these visits with comedy. The following list is a collection of hilarious signs from various vet clinics that decided to have some fun with their customers by making up some pawsome cat jokes.
Cats are probably the cutest criminals. They just don’t care – they’ll steal your socks, car keys, and heart before you even know it. Even though cats never really feel guilty about anything, there are people who try to shame them and post it online for everyone to see.
It’s a well known fact that googly eyes make everything better and the best part is that they cost only few bucks on Amazon. Scroll down to see the funniest examples and don’t forget to comment how stupid this is.
If you think you’re the ultimate metalhead, you haven’t met these hardcore sheep. They’re called Valais Blacknose Sheep and they always look like posing for a metal album cover.
In some zoos in Japan, staff members perform regular security drills to practice their response to a large animal escape by using costumed zookeepers as the fugitive animals. Individuals in furry costumes or pairs in full-size mockups of larger animals run through zoo property, sometimes inflicting mock injuries, as fellow zookeepers work to surround, subdue, and recapture them. As you can see from the pictures below, it looks hilarious!
It’s really mind-boggling how a little touch of makeup can completely change a person’s appearance. Scroll down to see it for yourself!
The influencers of previous times became famous for their talents and iconic works, as well as the way they presented themselves. Perhaps we could go back to those days? In the meantime, let us present those old legends as if they were the “heroes” of today. You gotta admit, they do look cool!
What happens when you have too much free time and like to play with Photoshop? This. This happens.
As you can see from the pictures below, some dog owners have way too much free time on their hands…