Probably inspired by Hide The Pain Harold, these people struggle daily to not let their inner pain show… but the smile can only hide so much.
Probably inspired by Hide The Pain Harold, these people struggle daily to not let their inner pain show… but the smile can only hide so much.
You would usually expect to find an innocent set of monkey bars, a slide and a swing when taking your children to the local playground: not haunting sculptures of menacing monsters. But not in Russia, though…
As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…
Everyone loves puppies, they are generally adorable. Shih Tzu puppy, Paningning, is one of the latest cute internet sensations, not for teddy bear face, but for her hilarious sleeping positions. Even though many of her photos feature the dog sleeping, her owner said Paningning is very playful and enjoys romping around with her siblings. Scroll down to see a selection of funniest/cutest pics.
People around the world really love to wear stupid things. We’ve previously featured Fish Sandals, Crocs Handbags, and Muscle Leggings. Obviously, it was just a matter of time until someone decided to create underpants for hands and call them Handerpants. You can get this weird thing on Amazon and join thousands of people on Instagram who are coming together under #handerpants hashtag.
We’ve previously featured Hamster Butts, Bumblebee Butts, and Corgi Butts. Obviously, bunny butt gallery was long overdue…
Some people have really weird ideas about beauty. We’ve previously featured The Weird World of Competitive Dog Grooming, but these ladies featured below have chosen to modify themselves instead of their pets. Well… to each their own. The pictures in this gallery have been taken by German photographer Martin Schoeller and full collection of portraits can be found in his book “Female Bodybuilders“.
“Inbread dogs” or “dog breading” is the process of cutting a hole in a piece of bread, and then slipping it onto the face of your dog. Why is this even a thing? We have no idea.
We’ve previously featured Dogs Who Tried To Eat a Bee gallery, but now it’s time to round up brave cats who picked a fight they can’t win… And just a reminder: if you laugh at these photos, you are a bad person.
We’ve previously featured Hamster Butts, Bumblebee Butts, and even Mushroom Butts. Obviously, corgi butt gallery was long overdue…
We’ve previously featured People Trying To Sell Mirrors, but these are so horribly designed and inappropriately placed that no one would buy them no matter how hard you’d try to sell.
While some people choose to live as pigeons, others are traveling, meeting friends, and generally having fun while wearing a horse mask. You can take a glimpse at their life on Instagram under the #horsemask hashtag or get yourself a horse mask and join them.
Some days are grumpier than others. In a statement on Twitter, her owners revealed that she had a urinary tract infection. Despite efforts to save her, she encountered complications and passed away at the age of seven. Grumpy cat became an internet sensation in back in 2012, had millions of followers on social networks, and spawned tons of merchandise. This gallery is a tribute to remember Grumpy Cat in her prime.
More and more people are traveling, meeting friends, and generally enjoying life while wearing a pigeon mask. You can take a glimpse at their life on Instagram under the #pigeonmask hashtag or get yourself a pigeon mask and join them.
Crocs handbag is the creation nobody asked for: truly vile crime against fashion. However, it’s gaining popularity and is even sold on Amazon. What a time to be alive!