Scotch Tape Portraits

Photographer Wes Naman was wrapping Christmas gifts with his assistant and started goofing around with the scotch tape. He immediately had an idea that after a year developed into the scotch tape portrait series, where volunteers put the tape around their faces to create terrifying and just absolutely hilarious expressions.

Scotch tape portrait. Creepy or funny?

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The Newest Dumb Viral Trend Is Throwing Cheese On Babies

Babies are inherently trusting. This is because, when a baby is born, he’s entirely dependent on her parents and other adults to meet his every need. This is not to say that babies have it easy because the newest awful viral trend that future generations will condemn us for is called #CheeseChallenge. It involves throwing a slice of cheese onto an unsuspecting baby’s face.

The newest dumb viral trend is throwing cheese on babies.

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Someone On Twitter Asked “What’s The Worst Way To Hold Your Drink?”, Here Are The Best Responses

Picking up a glass may seem like a pretty straightforward practice, but that depends entirely on who you ask. Twitter user Daniel Inman decided to have some fun with this everyday action and asked the question “what’s the worst way to hold your drink?” and people responded with the most insane, hilarious and creative photos.

What's the worst way to hold your drink?

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Cats With Nicolas Cage’s Face

When it comes to the most celebrated animal on the internet, cats win hands (er, paws) down. And in terms of Nicolas Cage, can you think of another actor who’s inspired more video parodies, memes and is-he-or-isn’t-he vampire controversy? Given that, it makes sense the two would collide in this beautiful gallery.

Meet Nicolas Catge: cat with Nicolas Cage's face.

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