Steve Lear is a London-based, digital artist with a self-proclaimed, “unhealthy obsession for movies, music and Photoshop.” And he’s making the freaking awesomest Star Wars themed album cover mash-ups you’ve ever seen. Scroll down to see them all!
Steve Lear is a London-based, digital artist with a self-proclaimed, “unhealthy obsession for movies, music and Photoshop.” And he’s making the freaking awesomest Star Wars themed album cover mash-ups you’ve ever seen. Scroll down to see them all!
Olga Vishnevsky who also calls herself Pepelangelo loves to create paintings starring Pepe The Frog which is a popular yet controversial internet meme. If you find her artworks amazing enough to actually pay your hard earned money for them, you should visit Pepelangelo’s Etsy store. But consider yourself warned: these paintings are not cheap.
This viral Twitter prank, started by @kelllicopter, cheekily puts this scenario to the test. Scroll down to see the various hilarious ways that guys dealt with this. What would your response be?
Shuang has been living in China for quite some time and in her Instagram account she provides cultural context for why things in China happen the way they do. Since her Instagram is not exclusively about fashion, we put together this gallery to show the funniest and most absurd outfit choices she has encountered.
When you are feeling low, sometimes all you need is a laugh. And if you love a good pun, Lim Heng Swee’s hilarious illustrations are sure to cheer you up. If you like Swee’s work, you can purchase his illustrations as prints and more on Etsy and Society6.
Have you ever imagined what would the world look like if it was inhabited by kittens the size of a large building? Indonesian artist F. Muafidin has done just that and the result is spectacular.
We have previously featured father-of-two and book author Tom Curtis who shows what would happen if his kids’ doodles became alive and real. Featured below are his latest creations which are both funny and terrifying at the same time.
Kirby might not have the 102+ million Instagram followers that Kendall has, but he’s still built up an impressive fan base by Photoshopping himself into various pictures of the fashion model and TV personality. Check out some of our favorites below to see why he’s our favorite unofficial member of the Jenner family.
The “No Pants Subway Ride” is an annual event where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. The event is organized by Improv Everywhere, and has coordinators in cities around the world. Participants are instructed to behave as everything were normal. If their fellow passengers ask them why they aren’t wearing pants, they should reply that they simply forgot to put them on. They should also insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants.
These people are convinced that Brexit is a terrible mistake and are not afraid to tell it to the world via hilarious signs.
Cats from the Selkirk Rex breed are known to be friendly, playful and even cuddly, but you really couldn’t tell by looking at Pompous Albert. His constantly frowned face makes him look like the angriest, most unfriendly cat in the world, but it’s also the source of his online fame.
You may think that cows are cute, but have you ever seen them at night when they come together to stare directly into your soul?
Movies are filled with hilarious clichés that just don’t make any sense, and there is no chance any of them would work in the real world, so Twitter users came together to point out the most ridiculous examples.