Hilarious Times People Made The Mistake of Wearing Red To Target

We have all wandered our favorite stores slightly lost until we see the familiar uniform of an employee, there to save us. One of the most infamous uniforms from these superstores is that of the Target employee: a red shirt paired with khaki pants. Unwittingly, more people than you might imagine have wandered into the big red store only to realize they were wearing the exact uniform of the employees… Scroll down to see a funny list of their cautionary tales.

PSA: Don't wear an all red hoodie to Target. Two people asked me if I worked there and an actual employee asked me grab something off the shelf because she couldn't reach.

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Artist Creates Creepy Creatures by Drawing Faces On People’s Backs

AnaHell is a photographer who portrays the body in ways that change the way we perceive it. Featured below is a series titled “Secret Friends”, wherein she manipulates the appearance of bodies to create unique creatures. Each photo depicts people bent double with faces drawn on their backs, the subjects’ spines and ribs creating freakish contours. Adorned with hair and clothing and standing in ordinary rooms, they resemble domestic gremlins with a dual ability of charming and disturbing their viewers.

You wanna fight me?

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Funny And Sad Examples of How Media Can Manipulate The Truth

In recent years more and more people are finding it harder to stay well informed because it’s getting more challenging to determine which news are accurate. We gathered some examples of how media can use different techniques of deception to trick you into seeing exactly what they wanted you to see. As you will discover, perspective really is everything! It all goes to show that a healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way, and getting your news from a wide range of different sources is your best bet to a more rounded view of the world we live in.

This photo was taken when Kate Middleton and Prince William presented third royal baby to the world.

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People Share Their Most Embarrassingly Awkward Situations

Whether it be bumping into an ex, farting at a funeral, or asking somebody when they’re due when they’re simply overweight, we’ve all found ourselves in awkward situations at some point in our lives. But there’s awkward, and then there’s awkward, and as you can see from this cringeworthy list, some people take it to a whole new level.

Just tried a coat on in TK Maxx. It was the coat of a customer trying on another coat. I can never leave the house again.

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Couples That Absolutely Won Halloween

As a couple sometimes it’s easy to fall into sedentary bliss, which means sometimes the idea of going out, especially when you have to dress up, can seem particularly taxing. But fear not, we’re here to share some of the greatest couples costume ideas ever to give you an inspiration to leave your comfy couch and attend a Halloween party after all.

Yin and Yang Halloween costume.

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