George has been standing on his two legs since he was little. Why? So he could see what a nonsensical life us humans lead. Nothing can slip through his judgement. NOTHING!
1. Being able to tolerate the sound of your own voice in a video is probably the highest form of self acceptance.
2. Your dog doesn’t know you can make mistakes. When you trip over him in the dark, he thinks you got up just to kick him in the head.
3. Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don’t know what either of those things are.
4. April Fool’s Day is the one day of the year when people critically evaluate news articles before accepting them as true.
5. Brushing our teeth is the closest we ever come to cleaning our skeleton.
Illustrator Matthew Inman has come up with a brilliant comic that perfectly shows the evilness of printers.
Illustrator and book author Matthew Inman has created a funny and very true comic that all cat owners can relate to.
German nature photographer Henrik Spranz takes colourful images of small rodents (like European ground squirrels) in their natural habitat and captures the innocent and sometimes funny life of the little creatures.
Illustrator Matthew Inman has created a hilarious and very true list of people who are terribly annoying at Facebook. I bet we all know at least one friend that acts like that.
Lorenz Valentino has made a series of realistic images of himself spending some quality time with various celebrities. The results are quite hilarious.