The Funniest O.J. Simpson Memes And Reactions

In a shocking reversal of his most famous accomplishment, O.J. Simpson has died. Here are some reactions and memes about that. If you are one of those people who sees this kind of dark humor as a chance to climb up on your highest of horses, enjoy your protection of a guy who definitely stalked and abused his wife, even if his role in her murder is, in a legal sense, inconclusive.

OJ Simpson in Hell finally confronting the guy who did it

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The Best of “American Mind Cannot Comprehend This” Meme

America and Europe share many similarities in culture. That being said, there are some glaring differences that are fun to point out. The broad generalization is that Europeans have refined cultural tastes, whereas Americans are a bit more brash and believe that bigger is always better. That’s where “American mind can’t comprehend” meme originates, which is basically Europeans pointing out things that would confuse the hell out of Americans. Scroll down to see the funniest examples and don’t forget to also check out the opposite meme about things that European minds can’t comprehend.

The American mind cannot comprehend this.

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The Best of “European Mind Cannot Comprehend This” Meme

America and Europe share many similarities in culture. That being said, there are some glaring differences that are fun to point out. The broad generalization is that Europeans have refined cultural tastes, whereas Americans are a bit more brash and believe that bigger is always better. That’s where “European mind can’t comprehend” meme originates, which is basically Americans pointing out things that would confuse the hell out of Europeans. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

The most “European mind cannot comprehend this” thing around

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Typical Friday Night at KFC, According To AI

Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence sees a typical Friday night at KFC? In a world where AI can analyze and dissect a huge array of data, we became curious to discover how AI sees stereotypical KFC visitors and employees. Apparently AI thinks that many KFC visitors actually get into fistfights or drive their car directly into the place… Scroll down and prepare to be surprised, entertained, and amused! And try to not get offended, if you’re a regular KFC visitor yourself!

Typical Friday night at KFC, according to AI.

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Funny And Darkly Twisted Graffiti Drawings by David Lozan

Welcome to the strange realm of Barcelona’s shuttered buildings, where forgotten walls are transformed into funny and frightening works of art by artist David Lozano. Using spray cans as his instruments, Lozano gives figures like Homer Simpson and SpongeBob a new life and transforms them into terrifying, captivating works of art. Scroll down to explore his brilliant graffiti art for yourself!

Graffiti drawing by David Lozan.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Nacho Diaz

Spanish artist Nacho Diaz enjoys putting everyday things into bizarre situations, perfectly creating humorous double entendres. He has been creating illustrations since 2009 and still going strong and recently released a book that you can get on Amazon. The book is in Spanish, but it doesn’t matter much, because characters in his comics rarely speak. Meanwhile, scroll down to check out some of his best cartoons!

Cartoon by Nacho Diaz.

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Donald Trump Photoshopped In Classic Horror Movies

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if former President Donald Trump starred in some of your favorite classic horror movies? From the Oval Office to the prison, to the silver screen, Trump’s presence knows no bounds. So whether you’re a horror aficionado, a Trump voter, Trump hater, or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, these photoshopped masterpieces are sure to entertain. Scroll down to see the finest examples!

Donald Trump photoshopped in classic horror movies.

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Did You Know That You Can Rent Llamas For Your Wedding?

When planning a wedding, keep in mind that in 2024 no wedding is truly complete without a wedding llama. No, we’re not joking. Thanks to Mtn Peaks Therapy Llamas & Alpacas you can now actually have llamas and alpacas at your wedding. There are many advantages: a wedding llama is a great dancing partner for single guests, perfect ring bearer, security guard against wedding crashers, and overall mood booster. Scroll down to see some of the best examples!

They rented llamas and alpacas for their wedding.

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The Funniest Animal Comics by Jimmy Craig

It’s often difficult to understand the behaviour of animals and the reasons why they act as they do. Illustrator and book author Jimmy Craig has created a whole series of funny comic strips that explains how animals actually see the events that happen to them. They calls this series “They Can Talk” and you can get the full collection by buying Jimmy’s book. Meanwhile scroll down to see some of the funniest examples!

Funny animal comic by Jimmy Craig.

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Lamb Cake Fail Gallery: When Easter Baking Goes Wrong

An Easter lamb cake is a traditional dessert commonly prepared and enjoyed during the Easter season, particularly in Western cultures. It typically consists of a cake baked in the shape of a lamb, often decorated with frosting or icing to resemble the lamb’s wool and facial features. But what happens when people who know nothing about baking attempt to make this delicious treat? They fail miserably and end on this site. Scroll down to check out the worst of the worst!

Lamb cake fail.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Alien Comics by Roger Phillips

It all started in 1947, when Roger Phillips, as a young art student, was accidentally granted permission to enter the top secret facility near Roswell, New Mexico at Groom Lake – better known as Area 51. For many years, he studied the extraterrestrial aliens being held at the base. He observed their behaviors, befriended them, learned from them and eventually understood them. These cartoons is the result of that remarkable experience. Scroll down to see our favorties and check out Roger’s book for full collection!

Alien cartoon by Roger Phillips.

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