The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Maritsa Patrinos (Part 2)

Maritsa Patrinos is a Brooklyn-based illustrator, designer, and creative strategist. She has gained recognition for her work in various online and offline publications, and is an author of Common Blessings / Common Curses book that you can find on Amazon. Patrinos often explores themes of everyday life, pop culture, and social commentary through her cartoons. Scroll down to check out some of our favorites and don’t forget to visit Part 1 too!

Cartoon by Maritsa Patrinos.

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50 Brilliant “Shower Thoughts” That Will Brake Your Mind

Sometimes when we are doing trivial things, like taking a shower, our minds begin an involuntary brainstorming session and we come up with the most brilliant ideas and, at times, weirdest thoughts. These ideas are commonly called “shower thoughts”, and we have collected the best of them here. Scroll down and don’t forget to leave your very own “shower thought” in the comments!

1. Brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton.

2. Gummy worms have more bones in them than actual worms.

3. We don’t check the refrigerator multiple times to find new food, we check to see if our standards have dropped enough to eat what was available.

4. Security at every level of an airport is absolutely crazy… Until you get to the baggage claim. Then it’s just like take whatever bag you want.

5. Biting your tongue while eating is a perfect example of how you can still screw up, even with decades of experience.

6. Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie that’s entirely end credits.

7. There is no physical evidence to say that today is Sunday, we all just have to trust that someone has kept count since the first one ever.

8. The first person who inhaled helium must have been very relieved when the effects wore off.

9. People who don’t understand how Clark Kent can pass as Superman have never seen Tony Hawk without a skateboard.

10. Wikipedia built the biggest modern information hub using nothing but nerds’ need to correct each other.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Maritsa Patrinos

Maritsa Patrinos is a Brooklyn-based illustrator, designer, and creative strategist. She has gained recognition for her work in various publications, including The New Yorker, The New York Times, BuzzFeed, and has published a book Common Blessings / Common Curses that you can find on Amazon. Patrinos often explores themes of everyday life, pop culture, and social commentary through her cartoons. Scroll down to check out some of our favorites!

Cartoon by Maritsa Patrinos.

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Awkward Easter Family Photos: Hilarious And Creepy

Death and resurrection may not be the most traumatizing thing about Easter, and contrary to popular belief, a man in a bunny suit and small children are not always a good match. Everything about these awkward Easter family photos is wrong. And the poor kids can feel it. Note to parents: please don’t make Easter family photos. Ever.

Awkward Easter family photo.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Mark Lynch

Mark Lynch is a cartoonist known for his work in the field of editorial cartoons. He has contributed to various newspapers and online platforms, often providing satirical commentary on current events, politics, and social issues through his artwork. In his own words, “I enjoy simply the ability to draw something that others could understand and at times, laugh about. I see things in a way that brings a smile to my face, then attempt to interpret them onto paper, then onto my computer to bring them to life.” Mark Lynch has also published a few books that you can check out if you like his style of humor. Meanwhile, scroll down to see our favorite picks!

Cartoon by Mark Lynch.

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Emotional Support Rubber Chicken Is Here For You

Are you too chicken to be vulnerable? No, you are not. Need a friend? Yes, you do. Going through a rough time? We all do. How about an emotional support rubber chicken? We all need someone to lean on, but when you lean on this 13″ (33 cm) soft vinyl rubber chicken, it squawks its support loudly. It even comes with extra wide empathetic eyes and is wearing a removable nylon vest that designates it as an official emotional support chicken.

Emotional support rubber chicken.

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Creepy Easter Bunnies That Will Give You Nightmares

Vintage Easter bunnies take creepiness to a whole new level. First off, let’s talk about their faces. Those beady, soulless eyes stare into the depths of your very being, as if they know all your secrets and are silently judging you for every chocolate egg you’ve ever devoured. Then there’s the matter of their attire and unnerving posture. It’s like they raided the costume department and chose the most worn out costume, then decided to sit hunched over like they’re plotting world domination or at least contemplating a murder. Scroll down to see what we’re talking about!

Creepy Easter bunny that will give you nightmares.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Clive Goddard

Clive Goddard is a British cartoonist known for his humorous and often satirical cartoons. He has been contributing cartoons to various publications for many years, his cartoons cover a wide range of topics, from politics and current affairs to everyday life. He’s also an author of book series Fintan Fedora (The World’s Worst Explorer) – it’s a children’s fiction, partly inspired by his own love of travel and disastrous experiences. Scroll down to check out the funniest examples of Clive’s cartoons!

Cartoon by Clive Goddard.

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Americans Will Use Anything But The Metric System

In a world where the metric system is the universal language of measurement, there’s a small rebel faction that goes by the name… Americans. They will use literally anything but the metric system. How much does that car weigh? Oh, about 6,000 donuts. The Eiffel Tower? Oh, it’s roughly 13 dozens of pickup trucks tall. You get the idea. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of this phenomenon!

The “A” in America stands for “Anything but the metric system.”

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Meet Fedja: Cat That Looks Like a Real-Life Cartoon Character

Fedja, a gray rescued cat from Russia, has become an Instagram sensation thanks to his funny permanently startled look. When Fedja’s owner, Natalya Zhdanova, found him in her backyard in 2020, she had no idea he would one day become an Instagram star. At the time, she wasn’t even sure Fedja would survive. He had been born with a coordination issue and struggled to move around, but as he grew, his condition improved, and before long he was behaving like a normal cat, although he didn’t really look like one. Natalya claims she didn’t really notice his unusual looks, but her friends always seemed amused by Fedja’s constantly startled appearance, and she reluctantly started posting photos of him on social media. The rest, as they say, is history.

Cat that looks like a real-life cartoon character.

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Parents Share Their Experience With Assigning Chores To Kids

If you are a parent yourself, you know very well that the overwhelming majority of children don’t like doing chores – and when parents try to teach them to do so, they show real miracles of ingenuity and wit in trying to avoid them. Here we have a hilarious selection of parents sharing their experience with assigning chores to kids. Scroll down to see them all and let us know your own experience in the comments below!

My dad told my daughter she was the best duster ever then leaned in to me and whispered “if you tell kids they’re amazing at the chore they don’t bitch about doing it” and suddenly I’m questioning if I really was the most amazing weed-puller he ever saw

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