Rich People Problems
Crime blotter for extremely wealthy town (Atherton, California) reveals all the nonsense police has to deal with there. It’s simply mind-blowing what passes for crime in a neighborhood where the average house goes for $4 million, making it one of the richest towns in America.
Latest Internet Trend: Small Dads
Take people’s family photos and use Photoshop to shrink their dads in half…
“Why?” you might ask…
Honestly, I have no idea.
Why Unicorn Drinks
Remember Unicorn Being a Jerk? Well, it turns out he’s also a heavy drinker…
Few of my favorite moments from this book (written by C. W. Moss):
Scientist Confessions #OverlyHonestMethods
This is a random selection of confessions made through the twitter hashtag #overlyhonestmethods placed on random images borrowed from Google image search. Enjoy.
Latvian Jokes
“What is a Latvian joke?” you might be asking. Latvian jokes are short examinations aimed at poking fun at the everyday life of farmers and townsfolk living in a country that’s still suffering from Soviet era isolationism in freezing, war torn country with very little food. Latvian jokes usually work in a reference to a potato and the ever present politburo. Scroll down to see some of the funniest examples.
How to Make a Baby (Photo Series)
An illustrated guide by photographer Patrice Laroche, and his partner Sandra Denis, explains how to make a baby.