A bored commuter who works an early shift livens up his route by sneaking pictures of other commuters. A strategically folded newspaper and some careful positioning brings a world of entertainment into his yawn-riddled mornings.
A bored commuter who works an early shift livens up his route by sneaking pictures of other commuters. A strategically folded newspaper and some careful positioning brings a world of entertainment into his yawn-riddled mornings.
Photographers Riitta Ikonenand and Karoline Hjorth have created an ongoing collaborative art project “Eyes as Big as Plates“. It features seniors wearing vegetation as clothes and/or large, unkept hairdos.
TheShoppeDesigns.com has created a series of typographical posters featuring comments that photographers either hear regularly or want to say themselves.
Crime blotter for extremely wealthy town (Atherton, California) reveals all the nonsense police has to deal with there. It’s simply mind-blowing what passes for crime in a neighborhood where the average house goes for $4 million, making it one of the richest towns in America.
Take people’s family photos and use Photoshop to shrink their dads in half…
“Why?” you might ask…
Honestly, I have no idea.
Remember Unicorn Being a Jerk? Well, it turns out he’s also a heavy drinker…
Few of my favorite moments from this book (written by C. W. Moss):
This is a random selection of confessions made through the twitter hashtag #overlyhonestmethods placed on random images borrowed from Google image search. Enjoy.