Take people’s family photos and use Photoshop to shrink their dads in half…
“Why?” you might ask…
Honestly, I have no idea.
Take people’s family photos and use Photoshop to shrink their dads in half…
“Why?” you might ask…
Honestly, I have no idea.
Remember Unicorn Being a Jerk? Well, it turns out he’s also a heavy drinker…
Few of my favorite moments from this book (written by C. W. Moss):
This is a random selection of confessions made through the twitter hashtag #overlyhonestmethods placed on random images borrowed from Google image search. Enjoy.
“What is a Latvian joke?” you might be asking. Latvian jokes are short examinations aimed at poking fun at the everyday life of farmers and townsfolk living in a country that’s still suffering from Soviet era isolationism in freezing, war torn country with very little food. Latvian jokes usually work in a reference to a potato and the ever present politburo. Scroll down to see some of the funniest examples.
An illustrated guide by photographer Patrice Laroche, and his partner Sandra Denis, explains how to make a baby.