Standup T-Rex: Struggling Comedian That Dishes Out Bad Jokes

The idea behind @standup.trex Instagram account is simple – this poor T-Rex is a failing standup comedian that struggles to make his audience laugh with his bad jokes. Looking at hundreds of thousands of followers that enjoy these terrible puns and dad jokes, one can only come to a conclusion that you don’t have to have good comedy material to become famous. Scroll down to see our top picks!

Standup T-Rex delivers a terrible joke.

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Worst Interior Design Ideas Collected by “Please Hate These Things” Instagram

When someone invites you into their home, you never know what to expect. Will their rooms be full of tasteful decor that would inspire many Pinterest boards, or do they have a photo of a cow plastered across their entire fridge? One can only guess. If you’re interested in the less than aspirational interior design choices out there, allow us to introduce you to @PleaseHateTheseThings Instagram account that’s dedicated to shaming and celebrating the most ridiculous and terrible design choices homeowners have ever made. Scroll down to check out our top picks!

Do we have an epidemic on our hands?

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Funny 90s Memes That Will Make You Nostalgic

Everyone experiences nostalgia to some extent. These 90s memes will strike a cord with generation that experienced the life before the internet, and fully embraced the the arrival of the internet age. Many things made childhood in the 90s special – the CD player that wouldn’t fit into any pocket, the legendary Tamagotchi that died all the time, and hilarious 90s fashion that looks weird and cringy today. Most of these 90s nostalgia relicts are hardly available now, so we have to keep their memories alive. And what better way to do so than creating funny memes?

YouTube in the 1990s.

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Meet Borbie: The “Shave And Play” Barbie Doll

Have you ever wanted to have a Barbie that you can shave? A beautiful doll that’s covered in thick, dark body hair? Well, you are in luck because this Etsy store is actually selling “Shave And Play” Barbie doll! As you’ve probably already noticed, they’re calling it “Borbie” not “Barbie”. We believe that’s for legal reasons, so Mattel won’t sue the crap out of them.

"Shave And Play" Barbie.

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Off The Leash: The Secret Life of Dogs

Rupert Fawcett’s funny and wholesome “Off The Leash” cartoons feature secret thoughts and conversations of dogs of every size, shape and breed. The cartoons appeal to all sorts of people, from passionate dog lovers who have five sleeping on their bed at night, to people who don’t have any pets at all, but can still identify with the characteristics. Scroll down to see the best examples! P.S. There’s a book available on Amazon if you wish to support Rupert’s work.

"Off The Leash" series cartoon by Rupert Fawcett.

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Walmart “Employee of The Week” Gets Hilariously Excellent Customer Reviews

Walmart in Grundy, Virginia recently gave a shout-out on Facebook to a woman named Alley as the new “Employee of The Week”. People in the comments began lavishly complimenting Alley with some made-up tales about her extraordinary abilities and excellent service. According to some of the commenters, Alley has saved countless lives and folks suggest just renaming the store to Alleymart. Scroll down to see the funniest reviews!

We wanted to give the loudest shout-out to Alley for working so hard lately! Thanks for everything you've been doing! #AssociateRecognition #LiveBetter

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AI-Generated Images: Annual Celebrity Concrete Eating Contest

Why waste the amazing power of artificial intelligence on something useful when you can create images of celebrities eating concrete? Also… Why is that whenever an AI model depicts Will Smith eating something, he looks like someone in the verge of starvation devouring things? Also… Kanye choosing to eat a brick is so perfectly in character. Also… Trump probably said: “This concrete is so delicious! I ate the most, the weight count is a total lie. Just ask anyone. Everyone get outside a protest!”

AI-generated image of a celebrity concrete eating contest.

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Funny Canadian Memes To Brighten Your Day

Why are Canadians so polite? When it’s freezing outside, they have to rely on each other to survive. So they learned a long time ago that it’s much easier to get along and help each other out than to be rude and grumpy all the time. Plus, Canadians also have a secret weapon: maple syrup. They put it on everything, and it just makes them all so happy and friendly.

Canadian vandalism.

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