The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Navied Mahdavian

You might feel that you’ve seen this artist’s work somewhere and you would not be mistaken. Navied Mahdavian’s cartoons have appeared in The New Yorker since 2018, and today, we would like to share some of our favorites. If you find yourself giggling while scrolling through this post, don’t forget to follow Navied Mahdavianon on his Instagram for more funny stuff.

Funny cartoon by by Navied Mahdavian.

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Trump History: Little-Known Facts About Donald Trump

In a parallel universe where hairdos defy gravity and tanning beds double as time machines, Donald Trump reigns supreme as the unquestionably greatest man that has ever lived. With unmatched skills in talking before thinking and a flair for constructing walls, he’s the master of alternative facts and has convinced pigeons to comb their feathers forward in homage. All history textbooks will one day tell tales of his legendary toupee, incredible hand size comparisons, long neckties, and the art of making headlines great again. Scroll down to check out the most amazing little-known facts about Donald Trump, collected by @Trump_History45 Twitter account!

Donald Trump introduces a young Michael Jordan to the game of basketball - 1967.

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Horse Head Squirrel Feeder Is a Brilliant Invention!

Behold! The horse head squirrel feeder is here, and it might be the greatest invention since 1982 when Al Gore single-handedly created the internet! Here’s how it works: while the cute little animals feed, the hanging horse head feeder makes it look like they are wearing their very own horse mask. Maybe the squirrels will wonder why you’re laughing at them, but they probably just wont care, if they’re devouring delicious seeds and nuts, whilst thoroughly entertaining on lookers, everyone is a winner!

Horse head squirrel feeder.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Will Santino

Will Santino is a cartoonist and illustrator who is known for his distinctive artwork that conveys funny messages using minimal words, allowing the visuals to speak volumes. In his own words: “In order to have output, I need input. I read a lot of fiction and I love learning about new things, so I end up on Wikipedia a lot. I love mythology, and history, and fables, and art, and language. I love to learn, so my silly ideas are often the byproduct of my curiosity. More specifically, I drink coffee and doodle in a sketchbook. Coming up with ideas is about having inside jokes with yourself, and then seeing if you can communicate it to another person. It’s about having fun, too. Coming up with a good idea is fun.” Scroll down to check some of our favorites!

Funny cartoon by Will Santino.

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Funny And Relatable Tweets About Work Emails

Like death and taxes, work emails are an inevitable part of life. It’s so painful to think about the amount of time during the work day many of us spend sending and responding to emails. While workplace etiquette and being polite is important, it’s very tempting to be honest and a bit creative from time to time…

A marine biologist I know signs his emails off with "Best fishes," and this pleases me enormously.

Europeans' out of offices are like "I will not be working until 18 September. All emails will be automatically deleted." Americans: "I am in the hospital. Email responses may be delayed by up to 30 mins. Sorry for the inconvenience! If urgent, please reach me in the ER at..."

My company does this icebreaker thing where every week a different person sends an email to the whole company talking about their average day, and today's coworker started his "I wake up each day furious to be laboring under capitalism" and it has caused quite a stir.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Maria Scrivan

Maria Scrivan is an award-winning cartoonist, illustrator, and book author. She makes comics that look at the funny side of technology, animals, pop culture, social media, and more. In her own words: “I’ve loved writing and drawing since childhood, and never wanted to stop. My inspiration comes from wandering around and observing, being endlessly curious, and wondering what my dog would say to me if he could talk.” Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Funny cartoon by Maria Scrivan.

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Anti-Bullshit Pills: The Cure For a Chronic Bullshitter

Somebody immediately came to mind when you read the description on this pill box, didn’t they? These anti-bullshit pills are sure to silence those with chronic bullshit syndrome. Finally, a strategy for dealing with that one friend who’s always spinning bullshit tales about how much he can bench press, the number of beers he can handle, or how many women he’s slept with… you get the picture.

Anti-bullshit pills.

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