Dad Sends His Wife Photoshopped Photos Whenever She Asks If Their Kids Are OK

Kenny and his wife have always had a humoristic approach towards both their relationship and parenting. After their daughter was born, whenever Kenny was looking after her on his own, his wife would contact him asking if their little bundle of joy was doing OK. After a few of these queries, the dad developed quite the way to respond. With the help of his camera and Photoshop, Kenny began replying using pictures…

Don't worry, this picture is photoshopped.

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Crafting With Cat Hair: The Most Useful Book Ever

Have you ever looked at your cat and thought, “Wow, I wish I could turn your fur into a stylish scarf” or “Make cat is so damn useless, I wish I could turn him into a pair of comfy gloves”? Turns out you’re not the only one, because Crafting With Cat Hair is a real book, and it might just be the most important and useful book of the last century. It’s the perfect guide for all the crazy cat ladies out there who want to take their love for their furry friends to the next level. Now you can turn all that cat hair that’s been accumulating on your furniture into beautiful, one-of-a-kind crafts.

Crafting with cat hair.

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Did You Know There’s an Annual Duck Fashion Show In Sydney?

Forget about “New York Fashion Week”. In Sydney, Australia, well-dressed ducks steal the scene at the annual “Pied Piper Duck Show”, an event that’s part of Sydney’s “Royal Easter Show” for more than 30 years, and the adorable sight is considered one of the highlights of the annual event, which overall attracts an average of 900,000 visitors. It’s organized by farmer Brian Harrington, and each fowl member receives three outfits. One for day, one for evening, and one for a wedding. Because, after all, how else is he going to show off his haberdashery skills? Not by dressing them for the beach, that’s for sure.

Annual duck fashion show.

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Funny Restaurant Names: When Owners Have a Sense of Humor

Choosing a restaurant name is not that easy. Business name is a face to the world. While some go for classy concepts or the good old method of using the owner’s name, others have a different approach that’s really funny and puntastic. We collected a list of funny restaurant names that showcase the wit and cleverness of their owners. Scroll down to see them all and let us know in the comments which ones we missed!

Funny restaurant name.

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Cat In a Sock: Cats Comfortably Relaxing In Socks

Have you ever seen a cat in a sock? They fit perfectly – it’s a match made in heaven. And it’s probably one of the reasons why cats are so pissed off all the time. The second reason: because they are God’s perfect killing machines but they only weigh 4-6 kilos, so we keep picking them up, petting them and kissing them.

Cat in a sock.

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Funny Teeth Pacifiers That Make Parenting More Tolerable

Those of us that are parents know that keeping babies and toddlers calm can sometimes be tough. And when young kids are crying, all some parents need is a little relief to not go completely batshit crazy. Sure, you can go for that regular boring pacifier, or you can upgrade to something that’s sure to make you laugh while simultaneously calming down your kid, like these funny teeth pacifiers. There are various options available on Amazon to choose from. Scroll down for the funniest examples!

Funny pacifier.

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This Toilet Piano Lets You Create Music While You Poo

There is only one thing worse than being behind someone in line at Subway that orders more than one sandwich, and that is when you forget to bring your phone into the toilet when you need to take a dump. Sure, you can clean out your wallet, look at shampoo bottle labels, or just sit alone with your dark thoughts. But that’s no fun, is it? Here’s a solution: the Potty Piano is an electronic keyboard that sits on the floor and wraps around the toilet and allows you to play it with your feet while sitting on the can.

Potty piano.

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Funny Bathroom Pictures: How Not To Do Design a Bathroom

Designing a bathroom doesn’t sound all that difficult – all you need is a toilet, a sink, and a shower or a tub. How difficult can it really be? Well, turns out it’s not as easy as one might think because some designers still manage to mess up spectacularly and create bathroom designs that are so bad, they’re hilarious. These funny bathroom pictures are proof that some people should do anything but designing bathrooms. What the hell were they thinking?!

Funny bathroom picture.

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Funny Reactions To The Coronation of King Charles III

The coronation of King Charles III sparked some hilarious reactions and memes on social media. Much fun was poked at the Westminster Abbey ceremony, with the Twitter seeing a flood of gags about the new monarch, Queen Camilla, Prince Harry, and a suspected appearance of the Grim Reaper. Here’s a roundup of some of the funniest posts so far.

I appreciate the optimism, guys, but I'm fairly confident it's going to be Charles.

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Ridiculous Album Covers of 1970s Swedish Bands

Stylish beards, satin outfits, blocky fonts and some of the most hideous fashion you’re ever likely to see, it’s all here and more, designed to make your eyes bleed. These abominations come from a music genre “Svenska dansband” which translates to English as “Swedish dance bands”. It’s a genre of Swedish popular music that originated in the 1950s and became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. The music is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and dance-friendly rhythms… and completely ridiculous album covers.

1970s Swedish album covers were ridiculous.

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Awkward Vintage Yugoslavian Album Covers

Ahh, Yugoslavia… The country that was so good at being united, it managed to break up into six separate countries. It was like a game of Jenga, except instead of pulling out one block at a time, they just decided to knock the whole tower down with a baseball bat. At least one good thing came out of it – awkward album covers. Warning: you may need some eyebleach after viewing this gallery.

Awkward Yugoslavian album cover.

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