Funny Videos of Birds With Humans Arms

Ah, the classic bird videos with added human arms. It’s a phenomenon that has taken the internet by storm, and for good reason – they’re downright hilarious! But what makes them so damn funny? Whatever the reason, these videos never fail to elicit a chuckle. It’s just so absurdly entertaining. Let’s not overthink it too much. Just scroll down and have a laugh!

Birds with human arms are the best.

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Can You Buy Dolphin Milk? Yes, You Can!

Introducing the latest sensation in the dairy world: dolphin milk in a can! This delicious new product will have you flipping your fins with excitement. You may be wondering – where does dolphin milk even come from? Company Beersy has employed a team of highly skilled dolphin milkers (who are also fluent in dolphin language) to gather the freshest and most nutritious milk straight from dolphin tits and packed it in an aluminium can for you to enjoy.

Dolphin milk.

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Cute Cat Drawings Made From Funny Cat Photos

Cats have always had a special place on the internet, with their adorable looks and playful nature bringing joy to millions around the world. These cute drawings are made by Korean artist JoJo who has taken this feline fascination to the next level. He uses humoros pictures of cats as inspiration for the illustrations, transforming them into cute works of art guaranteed to make you laugh. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Cute cat drawing made from funny cat photo.

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Glass Lickers: Dogs Licking Windows

Some dogs are smarter than others. The smart ones work as police dogs or therapy dogs. The dumb ones listed here use their tongues to explore the strange mysterious invisible forcefields known to us as “glass” while looking hilariously stupid. Scroll down to see our collection of dogs who share a single brain cell between them!

Dog licking a window.

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Funny Reviews of Food Enjoyed While Taking a Shower

There are two amazing things in this life: eating and taking hot showers. Why not do both at the same time? That was probably the idea behind @GazpachoMachine Twitter account. He does brilliant reviews of the simplest and most ordinary food, and then posts a photo and a little accompanying text. From pizza to watermelon and pineapple, from ribeye to cotton candy, you can find absolutely everything your heart desires. You can also slide into his DMs and order a review of some special dish you like. For example, one follower asked the author of the page to eat pudding while in the shower. If you’re wondering what pudding tastes like under running water, it’s about 5/10. Scroll down to see our favorite reviews!

Shower Food Review 37: Cotton Candy - For some reason this was the most highly requested Shower Food Review. Perhaps people wanted to see me accidentally get it wet and have it dissolve, like that sad raccoon in that viral youtube video. But I am not a raccoon. I am a man. 4/10

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Horrible Makeup Fails That Will Make You Laugh, Then Cry

It’s hard to imagine the though process behind these terrible makeup fails. Just think about it: a person from this gallery applying an inch of mismatched foundation or clownlike eye shadow, thinking “Yeah, this is going to look great!” and another one glancing at the mirror and saying “I can’t wait to go out like this.”

Some makeup fails are worse than others.

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