These People Failed To Send Dog Photos To “We Rate Dogs” Twitter

@WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that does exactly what it says. It rates dogs. And it’s hilarious and adorable at the same time. All you have to do is send them a picture of your dog and they’ll give it a score from one to ten. The only problem is, some people seem to be sending them pictures of things that clearly aren’t dogs! See the funniest examples below!

This... is a Tyrannosaurus rex. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Thank you ...10/10

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Brilliant Tweets About Dating (Part 2)

Twitter is basically for two things: Sharing hot takes you pray are smart and won’t get you canceled and tweeting jokes about the sad state of your personal life. Because if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. And if you don’t tweet about it, you’ll certainly never go viral! Below, we have listed some of the best tweets we’ve come across about dating and what it’s like to be single in this day and age. Link to the Part 1 can be found at the bottom of this post.

when guys on dating apps ask me who my favourite philosopher is i make up a random german sounding name. half of the time they “oh yeah i’ve read some of his stuff”

it's stupid when girls say they can't find a guy, yet they ignore me. it's like saying you're hungry when there's a hot dog on the ground outside

There are plenty of fish in the sea but there’s also a garbage patch the size of Texas so y'all be careful out there

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Brilliant Mockery: Comedian Recreates Celebrity Outfits

Celebrity fashion is always a hot topic. Their outfit choices often are the talk of the town. Not surprisingly, some people try to recreate their looks. The problem is a single item can cost thousands if not millions and it might not fit as well. That’s where @bodi_imita comes into the picture. He has gone viral for his humorous celebrity outfit recreations and already has tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. He takes ordinary everyday things and uses them to make iconic outfits on a low budget. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Adele parody.

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Chicken Shaming: Farm Life Crimes Exposed

Most chickens are friendly and quite smart (for example, they can recognize and distinguish more than 100 faces). But some of them give up laying you eggs and go rogue. From attacking little children and cats to trashing the house once inside, and shitting on your favorite chair. Teaching them a lesson, chicken owners are shaming their animals after catching them red-handed, and we’re loving it.

Chicken shaming.

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So Crocs Snow Plows Are Getting Popular…

The world of Crocs is truly a remarkable thing. There’s nothing quite as polarizing as Crocs! On one side, there’s people that dispise them and wouldn’t be caught dead near a pair of Crocs, and on the other side, you have people so in love with their Crocs that they’re decorating them with spurs, spoilers, and even balls. For those stubborn Crocs wearers that just can’t stop wearing them in the winter and getting their socks all wet while they let their dog outside to pee, there’s these snow plow Crocs attachments that now exist. You can order them from various Etsy stores.

Crocs snow plows.

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Fed Up With All The Bad News, Artist Illustrates The Best News of 2022

Obviously there’s hardly anything good about inflation, still ongoing Covid-19, and the war in Ukraine, however Mauro Gatti wanted to create something positive as an anti-venom to the anxiety inducing rhetoric that pervades in media. That’s why he published things about 2022 that are actually pretty good, so scroll down and we guarantee that you’ll feel much better about the world around you!

Jumbo, the Dutch supermarket chain, introduced slow checkouts when it discovered some people enjoy chatting while paying for their goods.

 The added personal touch is helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness. The move has proven so successful that Jumbo has installed the slow checkouts in 200 stores.

Jumbo, the Dutch supermarket chain, introduced slow checkouts when it discovered some people enjoy chatting while paying for their goods.

 The added personal touch is helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness. The move has proven so successful that Jumbo has installed the slow checkouts in 200 stores.

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Ridiculous Matching Outfits From 1970s Fashion Ads

Yes, in the 1970s a couple could wear matching sweaters without the slightest sense of irony or self-reflection. Catalogs and fashion magazines were littered with guys and girls in identical attire looking just as cheesy as you can imagine. These tacky matching outfits would get ridiculed to shreds on the streets today. There are only so many belted tank tops and leopard onesies a person can tolerate, and the 1970s pushed the boundaries of this limit. Scroll down to see the most ridiculous examples and let us know in the comments if you are waiting for 1970s fashion to come back!

Matching outfits from the 1970s.

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Cat Panoramic Photos Gone Hilariously Wrong

You probably have a phone with the “panorama mode” feature. And if you are anything like these cat owners, you have definitely previously failed to capture the majestic image of nature’s glory you intended… We’ve already featured people in failed panorama shots and funny dog panoramic photos. Obviously, the next logical step is to take a look at cats. Because the internet is mostly about funny cat pictures anyways. Scroll down to see the best examples of cat panorama shots gone hilariously wrong!

Panoramic cat photo gone hilariously wrong.

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