Puking Cat Gravy Boat: The Most Disgusting Kitchen Item Ever

Choosing the right gravy boat is serious business. Sure you could go the traditional route, and select a regular boring gravy boat, but if you’re looking to just get downright weird, this puking cat gravy boat ought to do the trick. Made to look like the gravy is being puked out of the cat’s mouth, this unique sauce server was certainly made for the crazy cat lady out there. After all, what better to show your guests that you are completely unhinged than putting something like this on a dinner table?

Puking cat gravy boat.

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Weird And Funny Nicolas Cage Pillows For True Fans

Gone are the old days when plain, boring pillows were enough to decorate your bed or couch. Nowadays, it’s all about the Nicolas Cage. Yes, you heard that right. Nicolas Cage pillows are taking over the world, and you wouldn’t want to be left behind – that’s why we compiled a list of top 15 greatest Nic Cage pillows! Scroll down and feast your eyes on this otherworldly beauty!

Nicolas Cage rabbit pillow.

Nicolas Cage is one of the greatest actors of all time. Bunnies are one of the cutest creatures of all time. Nicolas Cage bunny pillow mixes his wild charisma with a cuteness of a bunny. It’s the perfect combo.

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Existential Crisis Duck Night Light

It was, in all regards, an average day in duck’s average life when he suddenly asked himself: “Who am I?” Since then, he has given a lot of thought to the purpose of life, wondering if a duck can do something more than just quack and stuff its face with breadcrumbs. Is that’s all there is to life? It’s a feeling many of us can relate to, and it’s probably an origin story behind existential crisis duck night light. It’s a funny lamp with a silicone body which feels soft to the touch and gives out a warm glow which will turn off automatically after 30 minutes so you can drift off peacefully.

Existential crisis duck night light.

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Balls Replaced With Cats In Sports Photos

Admit it – this is the greatest pointless thing on the internet you have seen this year. If it isn’t, please tell us about something dumber in the comment section below! Before people start getting angry: please note that these pictures are photoshopped. No cats were harmed in the making of this gallery and we certainly don’t encourage anyone to use a cat as ball ever.

Balls replaced with cats in sports photos is a great idea!

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3D Animal Car Window Decals: Fun Way To Ruin Rear Visibility

Have you ever wished that pigs, dogs, cows, etc. started busting out the back of your car window? Are you sick and tired of the great rear visibility your vehicle has? If the answer to these two question is YES!!! then you’ve come to the right place. Andre Valois Shop makes them very realistic, and you can even order a custom decal of your pet. Scroll down to check out the funniest examples!

Funny 3D animal car window decal.

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People Share Funny Facts About Their Weird Families

Every family has their own special brand of weirdness, like an unique seasoning that makes them one-of-a-kind. It’s like a secret recipe passed down through the generations, full of oddities and quirks that make them who they are. It’s all part of the package deal of being a member of the family. Scroll down to see some of the funniest tweets of people describing their weird families, and don’t forget to tell us about your own in the comment section below!

We often tell people how my brother Phil doesn’t come to family events and how it’s a whole thing. We made Phil up in 1995. #ThatsMyFamily

When my son was a toddler, his best friend couldn’t pronounce ‘You’re welcome.” It came out “You’re rectum.” 40+ years later, our family still responds “You’re rectum” when someone says, “Thank you.” #ThatsMyFamily

When we sing Happy Birthday, we sing it as horribly as possible or just yell random things throughout the song. #ThatsMyFamily

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People Share Funny Cat Names That Crack Vets Up Every Time

We sometimes hear about unusual names people give to their (human) babies. But it turns out that cats too can have names that are quite extraordinary. Some of those names really brighten the vets’ day. According to this viral Twitter thread, at least. It hit very close to home to many cat owners out there who took the thread as an opportunity to share the funny cat names they have come up with. Scroll down to see the best examples!

One of my greatest joys in life is when Jeff calls the vet to make an appointment and they ask for his name, and he says, Jeff. Then, they ask for our cat's name, and I watch him gather his strength before he tells them, Baby Jeff.

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Parents Lying About Their “Genius” Kids On Twitter

Yeah, I remember that one time my 6 year old son asked me if I’d ever offered a relevant observational musing of the state of the ideological spectrum that permeates the cultural zeitgeist. I told him to shut up and go play with his crayons, because he’s six. As a parent, have you experienced something similar? Please let us know in the comments section below!

Kids folding laundry and chatting: 13 year old: why are the pyramids in Egypt 10 year old: because they are too big for the British to steal All three cackle loudly. My parenting work is done.

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Funny Raccoon Memes by “Nocturnal Trash Posts” Instagram

Who doesn’t like a good raccoon meme? Who doesn’t like a good raccoon? Wait, who doesn’t like a good raccoon anything? Trash pandas are awesome and no, there can’t be any other way. They’re like the furry embodiment of the phrase “pleasantly plump” – a prime meme material. And speaking of raccoon memes, there is a dedicated Instagram page that celebrates raccoonhood with existential, funny, and straight up nonsensical memes.

Raccoon memes is the best way to get your message across.

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Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes

Job interviews are like an endless rerun of a boring TV show you never wanted to watch in the first place. The same old cliché questions get recycled again and again, making the whole experience about as exciting as watching the grass grow. “Why do you want to work for this company?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Can’t they come up with something a little more creative? It’s enough to make you want to scream, “I’m a human being, not a robot programmed to answer these inane questions!” But we have to put on a smile and pretend like we’re thrilled to be there, all the while wondering if we’ll ever escape this Groundhog Day of job interviews. Hopefully, these funny job interview memes will brighten your day and improve your mood while job hunting.

Funny job interview meme.

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Funny Wedding Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Every Wedding

Even though most wedding photos appear to be flawless, there is often a lot of chaos hidden behind. Kids causing destruction and bridezillas going ballistic – that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  And what better way to summarize wedding blunders than to compile a list of funny wedding memes to browse through after the ceremony when the (emotional) hangover strikes?

When you marry the girl your homies told you "You stand no chance with her "

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