Sea Slugs That Look Like David Bowie

You sometimes have to wonder how people come up with random wacky ideas like this Tumblr account that compares pictures of sea slugs to David Bowie. What would these two possibly have in common? But once you start actually looking at the images the answer becomes obvious. We have been blind this whole time! Sea slugs are actually taking their ideas from David Bowie’s outfits!

Sea slog that looks like David Bowie.

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Funny Tweets About MLMs And Pyramid Schemes

It’s no secret that multilevel marketing companies (MLMs) have destroyed people’s relationships and left many in financial ruin. MLMs often employ cult-like tactics to recruit and motivate participants. Still, it seems like everyone has at least a few high school acquaintances hawking dietary supplements, essential oils or leggings on social media. Luckily, these Twitter users have found humor in the nightmare of what many describe as pyramid schemes. We won’t say that MLMs and pyramid schemes are the same, because we don’t want to be sued by boss babes, however…

No matter how rough things get I remind myself I could be trapped in a pyramid scheme convinced I’m a business owner.

If you say I need to lose weight in the mirror three times, a high-school acquaintance appears and tries to rope you into their pyramid scheme.

A girl selling Arbonne messaged me her number asking me to join her team & the next day a girl selling Monat did the same thing, so I gave her Arbonne girl’s number. Feel like I just opened a pyramid scheme black hole. A “hey girl!” vortex

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Brain Fart Moments Where People Failed To Remember a Basic Word

We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a conversation or a presentation and suddenly your mind goes blank. What was that basic word, the one that I really really should know? Your panicked reaction to this untimely brain fart only makes things worse, as your mind desperately scrabbles for an alternative… and that’s how comedy is born. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Hello my name is Paul, I have a PhD in physics and thanks to a random brain freeze forgot the word for photon so had to call it a “shiny crumb” in front of my colleagues

One of my cleverest and most fabulous friends at university (now PhD in neuroscience) once forgot the word for what she wanted in a restaurant and tried to explain with “like a really REALLY wet salad”. Soup. She wanted soup.

One of the guys I used to work with forgot the name for a tape measure - called it a "how far machine" - it's passed into everyday vocabulary now!

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The World’s Greatest Gallery of Seductive Radishes

Daikon radish is… It’s just what you think it is: a sexy Japanese radish that poses crossing its legs in a seductive manner. Obviously, we had to put together a gallery that features the hottest examples. This kind of high-quality relevant content is exactly the reason why Al Gore invented the internet in 1982. Scroll down to see the greatest collection of seductive radishes in the world!

Seductive radish.

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Cats Stealing Food In Still Life Paintings

Are you looking for a new hobby? Maybe you should join us in looking for cats who are stealing food in still life paintings (one of our favorite sub-genres of art). It’s so wonderfully disrespectful! So here’s a gallery celebrating the need for snacks triumphing over art. The name of the painting, name of the artist, and year are all listed under the paintings.

Still Life With a Cat by Alexandre-François Desportes, 1705
Still Life With a Cat by Alexandre-François Desportes, 1705

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The Funniest Tweets About Flat Earth Believers

Yes, we have unlocked many secrets of the universe, including the real shape of our planet. In fact, we have known it for centuries. Despite overwhelming scientific proof, flat-earthers are out there spreading their not so level ideas. Some have even gone so far as to create an official organization known as the Flat Earth Society that’s full of members who are discussing the wackiest conspiracy theories the main being that NASA is hiding from us the real shape of Earth to get more money from the government. Makes perfect sense, right? Anyways, we collected some of the funniest memes and comments about the insane flat Earth theory, so scroll down and have a laugh!

Crazy how nature does that.

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Cats Wearing Battle Vests

God bless cats. They’ve been providing the internet with unwitting entertainment ever since there was an internet. It was about time we get a gallery that combines photos of cats with assorted metal paraphernalia. It’s truly glorious!

Cat wearing a battle vest.

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“No Context Brits” Shows Everything That’s Great About Britain

There’s something about British people that draws you in. Perhaps their exceptional politeness, friendliness, or generally just happy-go-lucky attitude. You can recognize a Brit when you see one. Or hear one. And how can we forget? They are also bloody hilarious, and that laughter is so irresistibly contagious. The Twitter account @NoContextBrits shares all things British. But don’t worry, non-Brits will also find this stuff funny. Scroll down and see some of the best examples!

As a fat bloke who loves a good BBQ, I am delighted that Asda now have designated parking spaces for my people.

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The Funniest Posts From Ryanair Twitter Account

Ryanair is an Irish ultra low-cost carrier. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for with Ryanair. No frills, but a plane will get you from one place to another, and you can manage to save some cash. Along with very cheap flights, Ryanair stands out from its competitors in another way: its completely unhinged Twitter account. We have gathered a list of some of the most hilarious and self-aware posts Ryanair has ever shared. Scroll down and enjoy!

Don't even think about it

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