People Who Took a Photo And Realized It’s “Accidental Renaissance”

When you point your phone camera at a random thing on the street, you usually don’t expect much. But in the vast sea of dull photos that fill your camera roll, some may stand out. Call it a miracle, or a lovely surprise, but if you feel like a photo you just snapped is superior in composition, style, lighting, and somewhat resembles a classical painting, it may be that you have just encountered “accidental Renaissance”.

Accidental Renaissance.

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10 Funny Things To Send Your Enemies In The Mail

Throughout history, our planet has witnessed a number of industrial booms: steel; assembly lines; internet… It’s about time we announce an addition to that list: startups that let you anonymously send stupid prank items to your enemies. If you are looking to exact revenge on a person you hate, this article will lead you to some of the best websites that will allow you to send  prank mail anonymously so it is never traced back to you.

1. A bag of d*cks. How do you win an argument? Tell them to eat a bag of d*cks. Simple as that. However, it is not enough to just say the phrase. There’s something immensely special about physically providing the said bag of d*cks along with your assertion. And these d*cks are delicious so you can rest assured your recipient will truly eat a bag of d*cks.

2. Poop. A company called ShitExpress lets you use Bitcoin to anonymously send poop to your enemies. It’s not human poop, but elephant or horse poop – organic, wet animal poop. It costs $16.95 to send a package of the previously-mentioned excrement anywhere in the world. ShitExpress’ services have been so popular, the company reportedly earns $10,000 in a good month.

3. Glitter. This company lets you mail glitter to your enemy for only $9.99. The glitter bomb comes with a nice little note that tells your enemy exactly why they are getting glitter-bombed. And for few extra dollars, you get to double the glitter in the bomb. Since glitter is not good for the planet, you would be also making the world a worse place for all of us.

4. Fake lottery tickets. These fake lottery tickets and scratch cards will have them believing that they have won. You can just sit back and imagine their disappointment when they realize it’s not real. The letdown will be pretty severe, making it a perfect revenge prank gift.

5. A brick. This is the closest you can get to throwing a brick at your enemy without going to jail. For less than $20 this service will send a brick to your enemy anonymously. Of course, if you want to add a message on your brick, that can be arranged.

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The Funniest Examples Of “You Had One Job” Fails

Failure is a part of life. It can hurt, and for some it comes more often than for others. It can also teach us valuable lessons. But most importantly, when you have a single job to do and you mess it up, it can give us a good laugh when we need it the most. This “You Had One Job” gallery will make you crack a smile: it’s dedicated to hilarious occupational mishaps and stunning examples of extreme laziness.

You had one job...

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Round Dog Grooming by Yoriko Hamachiyo

Dogs do some of their own grooming but every once in a while they need a little help. Yoriko Hamachiyo, a dog grooming specialist from Japan, has taken it a step further. She has had a dog spa and salon called Yorikokoro and has mastered the craft of transforming cute puppies into perfect fluff balls. These photos really are not photoshopped, Yoriko Hamachiyo has mastered the dog grooming craft of transforming dogs into flawless circles!

Round dog grooming.

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Ultra-Condensed Classic Books

English teachers have the inconsiderate habit of assigning mammoth-sized works of literature to read and then actually expecting you to do it. This wouldn’t be so bad except that invariably the requisite reading is as boring as fly fishing in an empty lake. Half of those books don’t even have discernible plots. Worry no more. Your troubles are over. Here’s a list of classic literature boiled down to its essence, extracting all the filler (and believe us, there’s a lot of it). In just few seconds, you can read entire books and learn everything your teachers will expect you to know. Please note: we can’t be held responsible if you write a book report or research paper using our site and don’t get a good grade.

Lord of the Flies

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Cats That Really Hate Cuddling

Why do some cats hate cuddling? Because they are God’s perfect killing machines, but they only weigh 8 lbs and we keep picking them up and kissing them. In their own little mades they’re ferocious lions, not cute little babies.

Some cats hate cuddling.

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Kevin And Friends: Dark Comics About Horribly Optimistic Kevin

Most optimists can be a little pessimistic at times, and no matter how much they want to believe their glass will always be half full they know sometimes it’s just plain empty, and there are no more free refills. But eternally cheerful guy Kevin sees the silver lining on every mushroom cloud and gold nuggets in every pile of poop. Comic strip Kevin & Friends shows how sickening an eternal optimist can be. It’s demotivational, dark and disgusting in all the right ways, and even though life sucks for saccharine Kevin his misfortune makes us smile, so that makes it all worthwhile, right?

Cartoon about horribly optimistic Kevin.

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Cats Before And After Bath

These pictures are truly heartbreaking. You can see a silent scream for help in every single one of these photos. The other thing you will notice: the look of betrayal. Those eyes are saying: “I trusted you… Now I’ll have to murder you in your sleep, human.”

Cat before and after bath.

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