Vegan Hunters Showing Their Hunting Trophies

You probably know those hunter trophy photos… Wouldn’t you agree that it looks much better when vegans do the same with cruelty-free vegetables? Hunting shouldn’t be exclusive domain of carnivores and omnivores. That’s the message that some vegans with a great sense of humor are trying to send the world with their hilarious hunting photos. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Vegan hunter posing with his trophies.

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The Funniest Tweets About Money Problems

The inflation is a complete shitshow, gas prices remain extremely high, and the housing market bubble just keeps growing bigger. One way to cope with all this financial stress is humor. Since laughter releases brain chemicals that fight negative mental conditions (or so we’ve heard), there’s no wonder why broke people develop a good sense of humor. So we compiled a list of tweets filled with incredibly funny and dark humor of people who are not afraid to admit that they are broke.

I SAID we supposed to be saving our money!!!

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Brutally Honest Tweets About Adulthood

The whole “being an adult” thing is just one big series of things you wish you’d known and things you’re sort of forced to do. Honestly, being an adult should come with an instruction manual. So, in the spirit of all of us trying to figure out how to be adults, here are some hilarious tweets that perfectly sum up adulthood.

Hello and welcome to adulthood. If you do not yet have several drawers in your house full of various cables, wires, and adapters, one will be assigned to you shortly.

the real challenge of adulthood is having to buy things that were magically just in your house growing up. like q-tips, windex, laundry detergent, salt .. like lmao oh I gotta purchase these shits?

Welcome to adulthood. You have a favorite burner on the stove now.

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This Revolting Toy Lets You Pop Nose Pimples

No matter how much you think you understand the psychology of humans and mechanisms behind product development and marketing, people will always surprise you. This time someone has made Spot Popper Nose Toy – a big fake nose dotted with several pores, each of which is filled with simulated pus you can squeeze out. Sounds something like you’d love to do for fun, right?

Nose pimple popper toy.

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Animals Eating Strawberries Look Terrifying

They are considered to be adorable little creatures, with nothing frightening about their appearance at all. But watch what happens when these cute pets have their picture taken – while feasting on strawberries. The berry-eating gore shots of rabbits, tortoises and guinea pigs look like scenes straight out of a horror movie – guaranteed to make you look twice.

Some animals eating strawberries look terrifying.

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Terrifyingly Funny Creatures Under a Microscope

Your parents lied to you: monsters are actually real and they are indeed under your bed. They are in your closet and down in the basement, too. You just may not be aware of them because they’re only a few thousandths of an inch long. Thanks to modern technology, we’re able to peer into the teeniest tiniest nooks and crannies of the natural world – right down to the atomic scale. Imagine what would happen if these microscopic creatures were as big as a horse? It would be terrifying and kinda funny at the same time.

Terrifying and funny microscopic life.

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This Dog Recreated Madonna’s Iconic Photos, And It’s Brilliant

Vincent Flouret, a French fashion photographer from Paris, has been working on a project that is very close to his heart; it features his beloved dog Max recreating Madonna’s iconic photos. The attention to detail is unbelievable and Max is a great model, although he only gets paid in treats. We hope that these pics will raise your spirits up and make you smile!

Madonna dog.

Madonna dog.

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Funniest Reactions To Leonardo DiCaprio Only Dating Women Under 25

Nothing stirs up the Internet on a weekday like a celebrity breakup. Twitter users have unleashed a series of memes and jokes on Leonardo DiCaprio only dating women under the age of 25 ever since the news of his breakup with Camilla Morrone became public. Fans have observed over time that DiCaprio has never dated anyone over the age of 25 and seems to break up with women just as they hit the mysterious number. Below are the funniest reactions so far.

white smoke has emerged from the chimney atop north hollywood high school, signaling that leonardo dicaprio has chosen a new girlfriend

maybe leonardo dicaprio hated 9/11 so much that he can’t even date women who remember it. did that even occur to you

titanic turns 25 this year at which point i assume leonardo dicaprio will no longer want to be in it

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Crocs Rear Spoilers Greatly Improve Your Walking Speed

Wearing Crocs already makes you a style king or high fashion queen, however what if there was a way to make them just a little spicier? This design allows the rear spoiler to clip into the heel strap and you’ll be flying past your friends with such aerodynamics that you’ll be a speed demon. The rumor has it that a rear spoiler adds extra 50 mph to your walking speed. The only negative would be potentially having the plastic rub up against the back of your foot the whole time, but when you look ready to race Vin Diesel in the first Fast And The Furious movie, who cares about heel blisters.. You can get various styles and colors on Amazon and Etsy, or print your own if you have a 3D printer.

Crocs rear spoiler.

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People Sharing Their Dating Horror Stories

Dating can be painfully difficult, so almost everyone has a few horror stories in their back pocket to share with friends. We have compiled a list of some of the worst down below for you to read. So if you’re in a relationship, you can be glad you’ve escaped the cesspool that is modern dating. If you’re single and looking for love, please don’t let this list discourage you. Just open your favorite dating app, and let the fun times begin…

I was trying to flirt with my date, so I told her she spilled some ice cream on her chin. Turns out it was a zit. #WorstFirstDate #100%true

He took me to a frog jump festival. We had to leave early because his WIFE showed up and she has a restraining order on him. #WorstFirstDate

First date- guy said Jesus spoke to him and told him I was the one. I went to the bathroom and never returned #MyWorstDate

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The Worst Tattoos Shared On This Online Group

They say you’re gonna regret it, it will look bad when you age, you’ll get bored with it, and so and so on… It may be true in some cases, but not regarding tattoos listed on r/ShittyTattoos subreddit. They are all beautiful masterpieces. Not really. This subreddit gathers ink art aficionados to celebrate and mock their not-so-perfect tattoos and have a good laugh. Scroll down to see the best of the worst ones!

Some people get the craziest tattoos...

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