Don’t believe those wholesome parenting photos on Instagram! Having a kid is a terrifying experience that may leave you with a destroyed house and a PTSD. Bookmark this post so you can send this link to your mom whenever she demands grandkids!
Don’t believe those wholesome parenting photos on Instagram! Having a kid is a terrifying experience that may leave you with a destroyed house and a PTSD. Bookmark this post so you can send this link to your mom whenever she demands grandkids!
Instagram account @ArtButMakeItSports really deserves more followers. The idea behind it is to find matching artwork and sports moment. It’s all done without the help of AI. In creator’s own words: “Unfortunately, the art world doesn’t intersect with the sports world as often as I’d like. But when it does, it can be beautiful, and I aim to help amplify the message.”
What happens when an extremely hostile cat has to got to a vet? How does the poor pet doctor survive? Here’s the recipe: take a cat and wrap it into a towel to make a cute burrito. Now you can combine two of your favorite things (cats & burritos) together into one glorious creation! …With an added bonus that purritos can’t scratch your eyes out.
You can’t trust social media. Instagram and reality are two completely different things. In a time when online fakery are off the charts, we invite you to check out Pretty Girls Ugly Faces community on Reddit where women with a great sense of humor share before and after photos of themselves that poke fun at the well-curated and polished side of social media. Scroll down to enjoy these hilariously gruesome ladies who can turn from ugly to pretty and vice versa in a split second!
When we found this wedding photo on Reddit, it immediately became obvious that it’s a prime meme material. It’s kind of a bastard child of “Sad Wolverine Seeing Jean Grey and Cyclops Kiss” and “Distracted Boyfriend” memes that you have probably seen before. Please do contribute and add your version in the comments below.
You are never too old to achieve greatness, but there are some things you just have to complete in time. Twitter users around the world have come together to enlighten you what everyone should accomplish before turning 35, and it hilariously describes what today’s average adult life is like.
So we have been noticing an increasing number of parents taking to Instagram to share their baby brow-work with the world. With a flick of an eyeliner pencil across their brow, a baby can be transformed in an instant into an evil genius, a budding fashion starlet, or a protegĂ© of Charlie Chaplin. We’re pretty sure that the main reason behind this weird trend is that parents of little kids are slowly going crazy from all the babysitting and zero social or work life. It’s either this or a mental institution.
Some of these doctor memes are pretty dark, so you probably shouldn’t scroll down if you’re easily offended. Everyone else, enjoy! And don’t forget to check out Part 1 here.
Some of you might remember Crocs spurs we featured some time ago. This time even dumber product has caught our attention – testicles for your Crocs! That’s right, you can actually purchase attachable balls for your comfy Crocs and walk around like a total moron. Several different color options and shapes are available on both Amazon and Etsy. We truly live in an amazing time!
Stand-up comedian Ginny Hogan, from the US, started up a massively viral Twitter thread about oblivious American tourists after sharing a photo from the airport that stressed to Americans that, yes, they are considered foreigners abroad. Scroll down to see how Twitter users reacted to the photo and the types of experiences that they had with American tourists! Judging by how mush traction this Twitter tread created, people really love to make fun of Americans.
You may think that humans are the only ones to blame that pandas are endangered, but they’re actually working hard to make themselves extinct, too. While looking at the pictures below, only one thought comes to mind: “It’s a miracle how pandas have lasted this long.”
We spent countless hours and compiled the greatest collection of mushrooms that look like butts. We believe this is the mankind’s greatest achievement since the invention of sliced bread. Scroll down and enjoy!
From How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety to How To Avoid Huge Ships, when it comes to books, Amazon really has everything. Scroll down to see the weirdest self-help books you can actually buy online!
Natural Bust Enlargement With Total Mind Power by Donald L. Wilson
Made by Sarah and sold on her Etsy store, these weird artworks really makes you think about the strange nature of human beings, as it seems lots of them are actually buying these crimes against good taste. And the artist is happy to oblige.
Why do people have trust issues? Because some packaging designs are so deceptive, even Satan himself couldn’t have made them more evil. Scroll down to see a compilation of corporate greed that will make your blood boil with anger!