Chandelier Earrings: Sure Way To Catch People’s Attention

Tired of plain and boring earrings? Well, here’s something that will make you the centre of attention. These chandelier earrings look exactly like the grandiose chandeliers you see in elegant contemporary houses, but on a miniature scale. At first, the idea of having chandeliers hanging by your ears may sound absurd, but… well… it actually is a completely ridiculous idea, however they’re getting a lot of good reviews.

Chandelier earrings: sure way to catch people's attention.

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Bridal Bouquets Replaced With Cats

Marriage is an expensive thing. You can save a little money by replacing your bridal bouquet with a cat. Cats cost nothing. Great money saving lifehack, wouldn’t you agree? Before people start raging in comments: please note that these pictures are photoshopped. No cats were harmed in the making of this gallery and we certainly don’t encourage anyone to throw a cat ever, let alone on their wedding day.

Don't worry, this picture is photoshopped.

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Crap Wildlife Photography (Part 2)

How many times have you scrolled through breathtaking pictures of wildlife animals and told yourself “I bet I could do that”? Well, it turns out you are not the only one. That’s why Facebook group Crap Wildlife Photography was created: to enjoy brilliantly horrible photos by people who decided they can be wildlife photographers and failed miserably (and hilariously). Also check out Part 1 here.

Crap wildlife photography.

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People Having Fun With Statues

Statues are often seen as very serious, grand, and glorious, especially when depicting some war general or politician. That seriousness almost always obligates us to stand graciously and composed in front of every famous sculpture. How about changing that? How about having some fun and don’t take them so seriously? To illustrate what we mean, we have collected this list of funny photos showing how creative people can be while having fun.

Having fun with statues.

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Artist Imagines a World Where Humans Live Among Giant Cats

Andrey Scherbak is creative director of the Moscow advertising agency and in his spare time he loves to photoshop huge cats in his photos. Cats are waiting for Andrey everywhere: they climb out of numerous arches, jump and play in the background, do sports, lay and stand next to him, look out from under the stairs and from under the corners, and even go grocery shopping with him.

If huge cats lived among us...

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Ridiculous Inflatable Swan-Thing by David Shrigley

David Shrigley is a British artist who has come to prominence through his drawings, publications, and sculptural works. One of such works was Ridiculous Inflatable Swan-Thing originally designed as a limited edition sculptural piece, cast in heavy polyurethane resin. It went viral so the artist decided to make it into an actual pool float. This inflatable swan may be missing the graceful curves true to a classic swan, but with its hand-drawn blank expression and erect white neck, it knows exactly what it is – a ridiculous thing.

Ridiculous Inflatable Swan-Thing by David Shrigley

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The Crazy Gravestones of Russian Mafia

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian mafia bosses with close government connections grew immensely rich. In those chaotic post-Soviet years, the ones that enjoyed tremendous wealth started killing to preserve their riches and to guard their turf. The graveyards in Russia’s most violent gangster zones have special areas reserved for fallen mobsters. Their final resting place is marked with showy marble tombstones, each one intricately engraved to depict the deceased in a variety of poses looking tough, or relaxed: whether they’re straddling expensive cars, enjoying fine wine or posing in their favorite leather jacket. The headstones can range from gaudy and extravagant to downright bizarre and tasteless. Check them out below!

Russian mafia gravestones are insane!

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