Useless Box That Switches Itself Off

This wonderfully made black box might look like any old box. It even comes with an on/off switch to open the top. Convenient, right? But this little box has a will of its own. As soon as you flick the switch, a mechanical arm emerges from the box and… flicks the switch back. And that is all this box does. Utterly useless, but in a way quite brilliant as well. Just like the website you are currently viewing in your browser.

Useless box.

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Funny Toilet Signs

The masterminds behind these clever creations have decided that toilets deserve better than just a regular boring sign. The only problem is, reading and understanding some of these funny signs might be a struggle once you’ve had a 7-9 beers.

Funny toilet sign.

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Fake Power Outlet Stickers: Evil, Infuriating Airport Prank

Anyone who has ever been to an airport knows that finding an open power outlet can be one of the most stress-inducing aspects of flying. So it should come as no surprise that people are freaking out over this power outlet sticker prank. You can get these prank stickers on Amazon for just few dollars… but if you’ll actually do this in real life, your soul will burn in Hell for eternity!

Whoever put up this fake sticker of an open outlet at the airport, you are now my enemy for life.

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Finger Weightlifting Kit

Sure, you type all day and that’s cardio for your fingers, but no one wants weak ass chicken fingers. Get some muscle on those babies by pumping a little, and we mean a REALLY little, iron with this hilarious Finger Weightlifting Kit! No more gross showers, sweaty machines, or waiting ages for some meaty berk to stop hogging the only set of dumbbells. But be careful next time you go to type something, you may just blast your poor laptop keys into oblivion with the inhuman strength of your fingers.

Finger weightlifting kit.

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So This Artist Makes Taxidermy Animal Drones…

You can find a lot of strange things on the internet, but a dead cat turned into a remote-control flying helicopter may be the strangest yet. The cat helicopter was conceived by Dutch artist Bart Jansen, was the first taxidermy drone he created. Turns out it was Jansen’s own cat who was killed by a car in 2012, so Jansen “decided to pay tribute to his lost life by giving him a new one. An electronic one. It would allow him to continue partaking in his favorite activity: bird stalking.”

Cat taxidermy drone.

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