Hurt Feelings Report

Hurt feelings report form is a set of guidelines for what to do if someone’s feelings are hurt. This is the link you can share with someone if they complain that you have somehow made them cry. It might be especially useful at work, since 67 percent of workers in USA have reported feeling belittled … Read more

Top 15 Useless Websites

Bored at work? Want to waste some time on useless websites that make no sense whatsoever? Well, you’re in luck. We have Top 15 most useless websites list here!

You’ve probably been frustrated with complicated games that take a lot of time to master, and maybe given up on gaming altogether because of it, but One Square Minesweeper makes everyone a gaming pro! Even if for many years you have staunchly refused to learn to play this game, now you can finally enjoy it with zero effort.

One Square Minesweeper useless website.

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Long Furby Trend: Furby Toys Turned Into Creepy Centipedes

The internet is full of surprises and it keeps evolving every single day. This is definitely one of such surprising things and it’s quite bizarre. Apparently, there’s a trend among Furby fans who dedicate their time and money to create long Furby versions that look like horrifying centipedes from hell. Some even sell them online for those who want one, but don’t know how to make it themselves.

Long Furby.

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Bullet Bras: A Bizarre Fashion Trend From The 1940s And 1950s

The iconic and quite bizarre bullet bras first showed up in the 1940s, and were explicitly meant to accentuate a woman’s figure. Bullet bras were a key part of the whole “sweater girl” look (a busty and wholesome “girl next door” whose tight-fitting outergarments accentuated her artificially enhanced curves), popularized by midcentury movie stars like Lana Turner, Jayne Mansfield, and Jane Russell.

Bullet bra was a weird fashion trend.

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