Overthinking, analysis paralysis, and setting our imaginations loose to tackle problems that might not even occur… sounds familiar?
Overthinking, analysis paralysis, and setting our imaginations loose to tackle problems that might not even occur… sounds familiar?
Big brands are boycotting/leaving the Russian market to express opposition to Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Art director Václav Kudělka has created a series of brand redesigns to show what company logos would say if they could speak.
If mullets and muscle cars are your family tradition, you’d be doing your people proud to be rocking these backwoods beauties wherever you go. With these socks, you can now have one mullet on your head and two on your ankles. These crimes against fashion (and hair) are available on Amazon. We truly live in amazing time!
This brilliant toy is shaped like a big giant Wallace mouth, and when positioned just right in your dog’s mouth, will make your dog look like a complete goof, even more than he already does on a day-to-day basis. It has a ball like area on the back of the mouth for your dog to hold on to it, and includes a squeaker toy inside of it, so your dog can annoy you with never-ending squeaking.
Sandwich Monsters is a hobby blog created by creative director Kasia Haupt where she publishes her absolutely spectacular sandwiches that she makes out of everyday lunchtime foods. Scroll down to take a look at some of her beasts!
Wind is a mighty beast that’s stronger than even the Pope himself. These poor dogs stand no chance against such a powerful enemy.
Dave Engledow documented his dazed, sleep-deprived experience of the new father in a series of funny photos, and even came up with a book Confessions of The World’s Best Father which you can get on Amazon. Scroll down for some of the funniest moments!
If you are tired of usual boring dog collar tags, check out these beautiful creations by various crafty people of Etsy. These tags are both funny and useful if your dog gets lost.
Made by ItsAboutTheWag
Life under water is truly fascinating. We’ve previously featured starfish butts, but this time let’s take a look at baby stingrays… Did you know they look like tiny raviolis stuffed with damned souls that are trying to escape?
Australian company Bowden’s Own has invented a Crotch Cannon that allows you to wash your car in “a more natural way” without using your hands at all. The car shampoo bottle is secured on the back to give weight balance, lowering your chance of fatigue during use. The company claims that performing longer or multiple car washes in a row will “only increase your foaming pleasure”. The product costs $149.99 and is currently sold out. If you wish to buy it, you should keep an eye on their site for updates.
There are numerous types of tasty sandwiches all over the world but these sandwiches are quite different. These are edible works of art.
You know how it goes: your pet brings you his broken toy, you try to fix it, but they stand right by you counting minutes until the ordeal is over and they can reconnect again… all while looking adorably concerned.
These scented candles were created to help you display exactly how you feel with both grace and assertiveness. Whether you desire to burn them or just display them as a conversation piece on the mantle is up to you. Lovingly made by various Etsy artists.
Made by JustALilSomethingUK