50 Things That Are Legal, But Will Make You Look Like a Total Psycho

1. Wearing the skin of a roast chicken like a mask.

2. Using both hands to put on Chapstick.

3. Walking backwards in public.

4. Asking an old person to give up their seat on a bus.

5. Stop responding midway thru conversation, but maintain eye contact.

6. Flying a kite at night.

7. Pulling your pants/underwear all the way down to pee at a men’s urinal.

8. Wearing a wedding gown to someone else’s wedding.

9. Eating in public without using your hands at all.

10. Going to Starbucks and ordering a milk with ice.

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Mullets of Walmart

There’s a special kind of people you only see at Walmart. These weird folks are known as “People of Walmart” or “Walmartians” and it seems that they just love the mullet haircut… as if 1980s never ended.

Walmart mullet.

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Artist Creates Wearable Workarounds For “Hostile Architecture”

If you liked bean bag onesie, you’ll love this. Artist Sarah Ross has created clothing she calls Archisuits that are a hilarious and pointed look at soft bodies in hard spaces – all the ways the built environment is a mismatch for human needs. Just think about it – we have hostile architecture all around us! For example benches that are designed to discourage sleeping, pausing, leisure:

Clothing that fights architecture.

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Forget Garden Gnomes, Get a Huge Baby Tick Hybrid Instead!

Are you looking for the perfect way to keep everyone off your lawn? Scare the living daylights out of unsuspecting guests by discreetly placing a baby tick hybrid in your yard! This nightmare-inducing creature measures 55″ x 34″ (140cm x 86cm) and is expertly crafted from silicone, giving it an incredibly lifelike and unsettling appearance. It’s made by Laira Maganuco and is available for sale on Etsy. How much does it cost? Around $3500. So you’d have to be both rich and crazy to actually buy it.

Giant baby tick hybrid.

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