Monorail Cats

Photos of monorail cats have been zipping around the internet since mid 2000s. It basically involves a cat laying down on a strip so that it looks like a monorail train. It might be an old trend now, but the pictures still make us smile. Scroll down for some of the best examples!

Monorail cat.

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Japanese Lingerie Company Launches Line of Lace Boxer Briefs For Men

Japanese lingerie manufacturer Wacoal recently launched a line of lace boxer briefs for men that are said to be both beautiful and functional. Lace lingerie doesn’t sound like the most masculine thing ever, but Wacoal didn’t just jump into this project blindly. In November of last year, they tested the waters of this ultra-niche market by offering the Lace Boxer on Japanese crowdfunding platform Makuake. The company knew it had a winner on its hands when its product smashed its modest crowdfunding goal of 300,000 yen ($2,627.87) by 1,090 percent, earning about 3.27 million yen ($28,578.92) in pledges. The Lace Boxer went straight into production, and now Wacoal offers an entire line that consists of seven colors.

Lace boxer briefs for men.

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“World’s Fattest Cat” Instagram Owner Battles Accusations of Animal Cruelty

The owner of a severely overweight cat that many have dubbed the world’s fattest cat is facing accusations of animal cruelty for allowing her pet to get so big. Lyznia The Cat, an Instafamous feline whose adorable face and unenviable figure have earned it thousands of followers on the popular social network, recently landed her owner in hot water. After photos of the obese cat started doing the rounds online, her owner started receiving criticism for overfeeding her pet and not caring about her wellbeing. However, the owner has since hit back at her critics, saying that Lyznia has been having weight problems ever since she first became pregnant a few years ago.

Fat cat.

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Human Teeth Jewelry by Jana Miller

Jana Miller has been collecting and processing bones and other things of nature for 35 years. She has been making bone and teeth jewelry since the 1980s. After becoming unemployed during the 2008 recession, she decided to open Bone Lust Etsy store. Since then she has sold thousands of pieces of jewelry to customers all around the world. Would you buy and wear something like this, or is it just too creepy? Let us know in the comments!

Human teeth jewelry.

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Hairy Yoga Pants: The Brave New Look

We could grow them ourselves for free, but this looks more fun. Did you run right out and purchase that amazing hairy chest swimsuit we told you about some time ago? Have you been sporting it at the pool all summer, much to everyone’s horror and disgust? Well, we have excellent news for those of you looking to build a hairy wardrobe. You can now get every woman’s most treasured clothing item in a sexy, hirsute style!

Hairy yoga pants.

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