Top 10 Funniest Kitchen Gadgets by OTOTO

All hail and worship the great deity that is the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Drain your wet noodle sustenance provided by his holiness with this arcane artefact, made in the one true god’s image, the Spaghetti Monster Drainer! This comedic colander is a fun design inspired by the satirical social movement of Pastafarianism that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism.

Pasta drainer for Pastafarians.

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Pooping Shrek Toothpaste Dispenser

Thanks to 3D printers going mainstream, more and more weird things are popping up around the internet. We already featured T-Rex arms for chicken, but now this Etsy store has come up with another brilliant solution for a problem that doesn’t exist – Shrek butt toothpaste dispenser! They’re claiming that this thing will encourage kids to brush their teeth more often, however we suspect that they made this just for shits and giggles.

Pooping Shrek toothpaste dispenser.

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50 Things That Are Legal, But Will Make You Look Like a Total Psycho

1. Wearing the skin of a roast chicken like a mask.

2. Using both hands to put on Chapstick.

3. Walking backwards in public.

4. Asking an old person to give up their seat on a bus.

5. Stop responding midway thru conversation, but maintain eye contact.

6. Flying a kite at night.

7. Pulling your pants/underwear all the way down to pee at a men’s urinal.

8. Wearing a wedding gown to someone else’s wedding.

9. Eating in public without using your hands at all.

10. Going to Starbucks and ordering a milk with ice.

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Mullets of Walmart

There’s a special kind of people you only see at Walmart. These weird folks are known as “People of Walmart” or “Walmartians” and it seems that they just love the mullet haircut… as if 1980s never ended.

Walmart mullet.

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