Denture-Inspired Items by Artist Mr. Basic

Feeling as though our posts lately haven’t quite been odd enough to live up to our name, we present to you the denture-inspired items and jewelry by artist who calls himself Mr. Basic. For example, the dentures bracelet is a bracelet of teeth that you wear around your wrist as if you are collecting a tooth from each human you have murdered, and is sure to give grandma her second heart attack after you walked into her house.

Would you ever buy this?

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Runny Nose Shower Gel Dispenser Is a Truly Life-Changing Product

Imagine that you are cleaning yourself with a bunch of snot. Hard to imagine? We have the perfect solution. Get this big fake nose and have your liquid soap (or snot) drip out of it onto your hands so you can lather it all over your body. That should make it easier. It seems to be currently sold out on Amazon, but there are plenty of sellers on AliExpress to choose from.

Runny nose shower gel dispenser.

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Fed Up With All The Bad News, Artist Illustrates The Best News of 2021

Obviously there’s hardly anything good about global pandemic, however Mauro Gatti wanted to create something positive as an anti-venom to the anxiety inducing rhetoric that pervades in media. That’s why he published things about 2021 that are actually pretty good, so scroll down and we guarantee that you’ll feel much better about the world around you.

Good news!

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World’s Ugliest Pottery by Lucky Stradley

Made by Lucky Stradley and sold in her Etsy store, these weird artworks really makes you think about the strange nature of human beings, as it seems lots of them are actually buying these crimes against good taste. And the artist is happy to oblige. In her own words: “I have been making a living with my art since I turned 21 years old. Now that’s a long time. I discovered the wonderful world of making faces on functional pottery in May of 2009. I love mud. I love making faces. I love making faces in the mud. Gosh, I am the happiest when I have mud all over my hands and my apron and a cute little ugly face is looking back at me from the mud.”

Weird pottery.

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These Ingenious Beer Mittens Keep Your Hands Warm While Keeping Your Beer Cold

Drinking booze in the winter is a complicated task. You need to keep your hands warm, and you need to keep your beer cold, but when you hold your beer with your bare hand, your beer gets warm, and your hand gets cold. This is a conundrum that humans have faced for millennia. Well, not anymore, these ingenious beer mittens, are a pair of winter mitts that were designed with one sole purpose in mind, and that is to hold your beer in the winter without getting your hand cold.

Beer mittens.

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Hand Drawn Bootleg Movie Posters From Ghana

Hand drawn movie posters have a very rich history in Ghana. Why? Because of the poor economy, there were no fancy printers or presses, and even if there were, they wouldn’t bother with something as silly as posters for bootleg movies. And so came a tradition of artists who created posters to create interest in these movies, even if they had to hand-paint them on flour bags. Though the means of printing became much more accessible, the tradition survives because of its extremely unique entertainment value. Scroll down to see some of the best (worst?) examples!

Hand drawn movie poster from Ghana.

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